10 Podcasts That Every Digital Marketer Should Listen to

Woman Listening to Podcast with Headphones and Phone on a Couch with Coffee

As a digital marketer, you're always looking for ways to keep up with the latest trends and stay ahead of the competition. One great way to do that is by listening to podcasts. Not only do they help you stay informed, but they're also generally short and sweet and you can pause at any time, so you can listen on your commute or while you're getting ready in the morning. 

These podcasts give you the opportunity to hear from inspiring and knowledgeable marketers – maybe there aren't any digital marketers at your gym, but there can be if you put in your headphones and listen to one of these podcasts! 

There's no shortage of options out there, so you can find a podcast that covers exactly what you're interested in. Whether you want to learn about the latest social media trends or hear from industry leaders, or maybe both, there's a digital marketing podcast out there for you. 

Let's Go

We scoured streaming apps and our own personal downloads here at Eternity to deliver a list of the most interesting and informative podcasts. Some of these podcasts are geared toward the specifics of SEO and Google Ads, while other podcasts in this article will help you with insightful stories from successful business owners.

Whether you're just starting out or you're looking for new ideas to help take your campaigns to the next level, there is something for everyone. So, open your favorite streaming platform and get ready to subscribe. 

10 Digital Marketing Podcasts

1. Marketing School

Length: 3-10 minutes 

New Episode: Daily

If you’ve already delved into the digital marketing atmosphere, there is a fairly good chance you recognize the names Neil Patel and Eric Siu. On this podcast, they combine forces to deliver bite-sized information focused on business growth with subjects ranging from how to get your business on the first page of Google to what we can learn from Amazon to the effects of artificial intelligence. 

Most of the episodes are very quick updates with helpful tips. A few times each month, “Marketing School” hosts special guests for longer chats lasting about 30 minutes like when they spoke with immi.io Co-Founder Josh Robbins this past October. 

2. The Paid Search Podcast

Length: 30 minutes-1 hour 

New Episode: Monday

Google Ads are a major part of digital marketing and it is important to know how to make the most of them. Chris Schaeffer and Jason Rothman offer their wisdom on how to have the most effective paid search campaigns with information for beginners as well as episodes dedicated to latest trends. 

A highlight of this series is that they have a recurring Google Ads Q&A episode, where they answer listener questions. If you are curious about how your specific business and/or client needs fit into paid search strategies, the Q&A is a great place to gain some clarity with professional guidance. 

3. Duct Tape Marketing

Length: 20 minutes 

New Episode: Wednesday and Thursday

John Jantsch interviews top marketers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, authors – you name it – to extract the best possible approach to marketing success. This podcast is especially helpful for small business owners looking for wisdom and best practices from leaders who know how to overcome obstacles. 

You can pick up specific, actionable ideas from interviewees like Brooke Sellas, the CEO and founder of B Squared Media, who talks about her book and how to use social media to provide better customer service. Many of the marketers who are interviewed on this podcast have written a book and share the main strategies they use to grow their business. 

4. The Search Engine Journal Show

Length: 30 minutes-1.5 hours 

New Episode: A few times per month

This podcast comes from the extremely popular and useful digital marketing website The Search Engine Journal. This show, hosted by Loren Baker, is super helpful for any digital marketers specifically interested in SEO, as well as pay-per-click advertising and Google trends. 

“The Search Engine Journal Show” is a great podcast if you are looking for insights from website owners, tech developers, and digital marketing strategists. You can learn about growing your business with social media platforms as well as the importance of soft skills like how to understand your audience.

5. How I Built This

Length: 30 minutes-1 hour 

New Episode: Monday and Thursday

How can an idea grow into a successful company? Guy Raz answers this question by interviewing a different founder for each episode of his podcast that originally aired on NPR (National Public Radio). He uncovers stories of success from all over the world that gives you insight into the process of creating a business. 

The interviewees on “How I Built This” are inspiring people focused on solving real-world problems. For example, in September, Raz spoke with Shiza Rahid about founding the Malala Fund for girls’ education and co-founding Our Place, a multicultural cookware brand.

6. Masters of Scale

Length: 30-50 minutes 

New Episode: Tuesday and Thursday

Listen to these episodes if you want to hear CEOs from companies like Nike, Netflix, and Slack discuss their strategies for becoming masters of their industry. Hosted by Reid Hoffman, a LinkedIn cofounder, Greylock partner and Silicon Valley investor, “Masters of Scale” is a place for personal stories and surprising theories about success. 

Cheeky titles like “Do Things That Don’t Scale” with Airbnb’s Brian Chesky and “Think Like an Intrapeneur” with Mach49’s Linda Yates will make you reconsider your marketing strategies – but in a good way that will give you the confidence to build outside of the box.

7. Voices of Search 

Length: 15-30 minutes 

New Episode: Monday-Friday

This engaging podcast, hosted by Benjamin Shapiro, is great if you are a beginner who wants bite-sized information on a variety of topics. Check this out if you are learning to build an SEO strategy and if you are curious about current digital marketing trends. Many episodes are hosted by PreVisible Co-Founders Tyson Stockton and Jordan Koene, with other episodes featuring leaders like Adrien Menard, CEO and Co-Founder of Botify. 

There is also a monthly “winners and losers” episode that reviews which businesses saw the biggest improvement and which ones saw the biggest drop in the previous month. You can learn about link building, Google updates, and using SEO for social media. 

8. Raising Unicorns: A Harmon Brothers Podcast

Length: 20 minutes-1 hour 

New Episode: Tuesday

Building a billion-dollar business can seem as rare as raising unicorns, and that is exactly why brothers Daniel and Jeffrey Harmon chose this mythical creature for their podcast to show that you, too, can grow your business. These two brothers use their expertise and past experiences to provide insights for every level of digital marketer. You can learn more about creating impactful ads on a budget, the necessity of using videos for digital marketing and how to brand your business. 

This podcast consists of a lot of interviews with unique titles like "How to Clone Yourself" with Seth Greene, the CEO of Market Domination. “Raising Unicorns” is for you if you want to know more about building your business through positive impact. You can learn why your ads should make people laugh and the importance of quality writing. 

9. Social Media Marketing Podcast

Length: 45 minutes

New Episode: Thursday

Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, oh my! Tune into these episodes to learn how to navigate the jungle of digital marketing and social media. Michael Stelzner tackles every social platform you can imagine and gives the listener ideas to build a successful business by using all of them. 

Each new episode features a special guest, for example Co-Founder of The Convoy and author Melanie Deziel who shares her knowledge on earning trust as a cornerstone of content marketing. 

10. Strategy Hour

Length: 30-45 minutes

New Episode: Tuesday and Thursday

Lastly, this is a must-listen for digital marketers who want to learn the best systems, protocols, and approaches to business from the co-founders of Boss Project and the program Master Trello for Business. Learn from these process-oriented thinkers about service-based businesses and how to have the best leadership experience possible. 

“The Strategy Hour” gives specific advice for scenarios that might happen to you, for example what to do if your client is not listening to you. Abagail Pumphrey and Emylee Williams discuss topics that you might be curious about if you are a small business owner, like the pros and cons of owning a seven-figure business.

Which One Will You Try First?

Give one or more of these podcasts a listen to learn more about digital marketing. These shows will keep you up-to-date on the latest industry news, help you hone your marketing skills, and provide some inspiration for your next big campaign. 

And if you need help with your online presence and executing a digital marketing strategy, connect with us