3 Quick Wins to Rank in Google

3 Quick Wins to Rank in Google

Here are three quick fixes you can immediately apply on your website to improve ranking on the search results pages.

Optimize for Mobile

We live in a mobile-first world where rankings are increasingly dependent on how well your website performs on mobile. You could see your rankings improve significantly by optimizing for mobile if you haven’t already yet.

Here are a few ways to go about it:

  • Implement Performance-Based Design
    Factors like how fast your site loads on mobile and far down a user has to scroll to find what they want, among others, are very important and can have a huge effect on how Google ranks your website.

    So design your website and content to optimize for these accordingly. For example, you want to avoid large images in your content that could slow the load times of your website on mobile.

  • Implement Task-Based Design
    Your mobile website should be able to help users complete the main tasks or gather reliable information, even if it is their first time on the site. For example, your contact info should be visible, navigation should be user-friendly and intuitive, and functionalities should allow users complete tasks in the fewest number of steps.

  • Write Good Content
    Your website should be responsive enough for the content to look great on mobile. Other than that, you need to make sure your content is optimized for search with the right keywords, layout, and structure.

Optimize for Speed

Your website load times should be as low as possible (no more than 3 seconds) if you are to avoid getting a few strikes on account of website speed.

You should always be optimizing for speed. And here are a few ways you can go about it quickly:

  • Optimizing Your Images
    Usually this can be boiled down to using the right file size. You can take care of this during the image creation process or simply make use of tools like ImageOptim or Squoosh to optimize the file while uploading.

  • Browser Caching
    This refers to information which your browser stores so that it doesn’t have to load them again every time you move to another page on the website. This saves time and is thus very beneficial to you.

Internal Linking

Internal linking helps structure your content in a way that makes it easier for search engines to sort out and rank your website pages as they try to understand the story you are trying to tell. It also boosts user experience by making it easier for users to find the information they are looking for in no more than a few clicks. Thus, optimizing your internal linking structure is one of the fastest ways to change the way Google looks at your website.

Here are a few ways to go about doing this:

  • Structure Your Content Around Niche Topics
    When building content for your website, you want to go beyond choosing the right keywords to choose topics around which you can anchor your content. The articles around a particular topic are bound to be related to each other and so linking them would be easy. Not only does this give you an endless supply of long tail keywords you can choose from, it also organizes your website in ways that makes it easy for search engines to understand and rank.
  • Prioritize the Creation of Pillar Content
    Pillar pages are great for content organization, backlinks, authority building, and internal linking. They take some effort to create but when you do it right, your internal linking improves since you get lots of opportunities to link out to other pieces of content on your website.


SEO can often feel daunting if you try to do everything at once. Start with these quick tips to start seeing results that would in turn encourage you to delve deeper. If you would rather talk to an expert however, don’t hesitate to reach out to us and tell us about your needs.