3 Ways to Use Video for Marketing

3 Ways to Use Video for Marketing

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, which must mean that video marketing has the opportunity to tell your audience all they need to know about your brand. Nowadays, your brand requires a video marketing strategy if you have hopes of standing out from the crowd. Videos are a versatile marketing tool that can be as brief or as in-depth as you would like. They are no longer just one piece of your overall marketing plan. It is a vital part of your outreach and campaign efforts, especially across your social media platforms. Most importantly, it is a form of content that is easy for your audience to digest.

If you are a small business and the idea of creating videos for your product or service is overwhelming, do not fret. If you aren't yet creating video content, now is the time to start. Luckily, you can make a video for almost any aspect of your business. 

Here are 7 ways you can use video in your marketing strategy.

Welcome Video for your Homepage

Your homepage is your website visitor's first impression of your brand. A welcome video can help you achieve a great first impression, simply by letting them know who you are, what you do, and the value of your product or service. Your welcome video should not be too long, but it should grab the visitor's attention and reflect the type of business you run. For example, Eternity has a welcome video on our homepage that is short, sweet, and to the point. As a visitor, you quickly learn where we are located, who we are, and what we do.

Be sure to tailor your message to fit your audience. By communicating properly, your customer is more likely to move through the sales funnel.

Product or Service Videos

Rather than taking the time to write out step-by-step instructions on how a product or service works, you can create a video that has all the information your customer will need to know! If you own a small coffee shop, your video can have shots of the drink options, as well as any food options that are available for purchasing. A retail store can show off their inventory, while also encouraging their customer base to shop either online or in-person. 

Overall, a product or service video is a great way to be informative while also helping to answer exploratory questions that a potential customer might have. Your video can be as in-depth as you would like it to.

Tip of the Day Videos

If you have the time and the resources, it is extremely beneficial to stay top-of-mind by creating 'Tip of the Day' videos for your audience. These videos can cover a wide array of topics, depending on the industry. For example, Eternity could produce video content that could pertain to both existing clients or prospective clients. We could create a 'Tip of the Day' video that recommends certain fonts for a new website, or the importance of having a mobile-friendly website.

Creating videos for your business is a simple and effective way to reach your audience. Whatever you do, make sure your video serves a purpose. Whether it is answering a common question or highlighting a feature for your product or service, your video should add value to your business.