4 Reasons to Hire a Professional Photographer for Your Website

4 Reasons to Hire a Professional Photographer for Your Website

You’ve probably woken up to the fact that your website can, and should, be your most rewarding investment. Indeed up to 80% of prospects will check out your website to learn more about your business before deciding whether they want to do business with you.

In light of this, below are reasons that outline why professionally taken photographs might be the secret angle you need to take your website and your business to the next level.

1. Photos Get You More Page Views

Articles with images get 94% more total page views than those without. In the same way, including a photo or video in a press release increases views by more than 45%.

All these facts are well and good.

But the point is while it’s convenient to look at your audience in terms of statistics in order to make sense of your outreach efforts as you grow your business, one should never forget that, ultimately, another human lies at the other end of the screen.

As humans our brains are wired to respond more to visual elements than text, and you can use this fact to your advantage.

2. Stock Photos No Longer Do It for Most People

But what sort of photos should you go for?

The internet is chock-full of stock images ranging from the quirky to the insightful, any of which can be gotten either for free or a fee.

These have their uses, no doubt, but you’re better off using them only when you’ve exhausted all other options, or with a healthy combination of real photography.

First of all, because they are not proprietary, you can expect to see whatever photo you decide to use on another website, which brings us to the second point.

With an increasingly internet savvy audience, the last thing you want to do is hurt your brand by using photos they’ve seen on a hundred other websites.

3. Real Photos Create Real Connections

With real photos you get the opposite effect to that of stock photos. Real photos are capable of presenting you, your business, your team, and your brand in a way that is uniquely yours!

Now that everything has been digitalized, people are actively in search of authentic connections that mimic those they experience in their real lives.

To put it simply, real photos—when done right—light up the eyes of your reader and create an emotional connection.

With real photos you can showcase your personality, your know-how and that of your team in so many ways that will make your products and services truly relevant in the eyes of your audience.

4. Professional Photographers Will Present Your Brand in the Best Light

Leave the smartphones in your pockets and get a professional photographer.

The average smartphone can boast of some truly awesome pixel power, but it takes more than a good lens to create the wow factor that will bring your website—and your brand—to life.

A professional photographer has all the equipment and lighting, as well as the necessary skill, honed over many painstaking years, to make your website photos live long in the memory of your website visitors.

Contrary to what you may have heard heard, appearances do matter. And if you want your business to be captured in a light that sets it apart from the millions out there, a professional photographer is the way to go.

There is no second, first impression.

Luckily we know some amazing photographers and videographers right here in Vermont that we have worked with and highly recommend:

Danielle Landry
Rue Landry Photography

Zach Zorn
ZAZ Video

Gillian Randall
Gillian Randall Photography

Dylan Griffin
Dylan Griffin Photography