4 Steps to Make Your PPC Ads More Memorable

4 Steps to Make Your PPC Ads More Memorable

Pay-per-click is a great way to get your website up and running with highly targeted traffic. At least that’s the plan. In reality, some website owners fail to meet this target after spending on PPC. Here are 4 ways to make sure your ads become memorable to your audience and meet your set targets. 

Use Geo-targeting If You Have an Offline Location

Make your ads more relevant to your target audience and reduce your bounce rate with geo-targeting. 

Not only does geo-targeting make your ads more relevant for local search, it also reduces competition and can target people within a certain radius of your physical store.

Heavy targeting like this increases the quality of the traffic you receive, as well as the likelihood of your ad being clicked given that competition is less. You can even use location extensions to register your business for specific “near me” searches where you can pop up as the top result.

Make Your Text Ads More Visually Compelling 

This is for those who use Bing Ads: you don’t have to rely only on a clever arrangement of text anymore. Bing has multi-image extensions that allow advertisers to bring their text to life by uploading up to 5 images with their text ads, thus creating a sure fire avenue for capturing a searcher’s eye. For best practice, keep a few things in mind:

  • At least 5 images should be served for the extension to be served
  • Multi-image extensions can still serve alongside other extensions like sitelinks
  • You can use this extension for any keyword, but the keyword has to be relevant to the image as well as the ad copy
  • Display text is required--but no more than 14 characters
  • To increase relevance, the image should also be on the landing page

But what if you don’t have access to multi-image extensions--for example if you are working with Google Ads?

Use visually compelling words and evocative text so that people reading your text can see the images in their  mind’s eye. So instead of a florist merely saying there are all types of flowers available, they can say, “Usher in the fresh, sweet fragrances of the outdoors…”

You want to use words that make hint at the 5 senses: sight, smell, hearing, feel, and, of course, taste.

Highlight Deals and Special Offerings 

Since your ad shows up competing for attention among other ads, you want to make sure that put all your important information where the reader can see them and get interested. That’s the understanding that should be at the back of your mind when you have things like special promotions and offers--you want to highlight these to stand out and peak the interest of the target audience.

Fortunately promotion extensions help you highlight these offers so that people looking for the best deals can see them. These promotions show up below the ad text and can take up to 2 lines of text. These offerings show up in mobile, tablet, and desktop, have been shown to increase ad engagement. 

Use Split Testing to Fine Tune Your Ads 

Digital marketing is an ongoing process and every marketer worth his salt knows the need for continuous A/B testing in order to refine the message and increase conversions.

You can do this by running one campaign and then stopping it to run another set. However, there are ad scripts that allow you to track split testing data between two different ad sets by impressions, click through rate, and so on.

Next Steps

You want to go out on a limb to see what delivers the best return as far as your business is concerned. Every business is different. However if you find all these too hard to take in or would appreciate a guiding hand, reach out to us here at Eternity. We would love to hear from you and help you get the best ROI for your ad spend.