5 Landing Page Tips for your Holiday Promotions

5 Landing Page Tips for your Holiday Promotions

The holidays are never-ending, and Valentine's Day is right around the corner. When it comes to the holidays, your marketing strategy should adjust to reflect the holiday at play. For example, with Valentine's Day right around the corner, you should ensure that your landing pages contain targeted holiday promotions, and serve as the first impression for your website visitors.

Effective landing pages are effective all year round, but there are a few steps you can take to strengthen landing pages that are specific to the holiday season. Your holiday landing pages should be a positive first impression and should drive conversions. With a few messaging and web design tweaks, your holiday sales show great potential.

Here are a few landing page tips that you should take into consideration for your holiday promotions:

Accessorize With a Pop of Color

Whether it is Valentine's Day or Halloween, show off your holiday spirit by creating landing pages that feature the common holiday colors. Add imagery that relates to the holiday, such as photos of couples, sunsets, and roses. An alteration with the visual scheme of your website will excite your website visitors right from the beginning.

However, do not go overboard with imagery. You do not want your website visitors to be distracted by the purpose of the page. The holiday imagery and the colors should compliment each other, along with the rest of the structure of your website.

Create a Sense of Urgency

All of your product pages should contain a sense of urgency to begin with, but the holiday season is a wonderful time for retail sites to enhance the urgency. You can do this by emphasizing on the time constraints regarding the discount on offer. Your messaging should remind your customers that they need to act now before they lose their chance.

One of the most effective ways to do this is with a holiday countdown timer. Amazon does this with Cyber Monday, along with many other businesses. Make sure that you display your banner above the fold, or along a sidebar, where your customers can easily see the time run out.

Holiday Sale Should Be Noticeable

No one should have to search your website to find a sale or deal. Your biggest promotions should be front and center, in order to boost your holiday sales. An effective way to do this is by incorporating your sale int your brand colors, such as through a banner or other top-of-page display.

Be sure to add in a call-to-action and a link to your product landing page and you are more apt to see an increase in sales. When it comes to special deals such as Black Friday deals, your discounts should be prominent both on product landing pages and other landing pages.

Make It Easy to Convert

Your website visitors should have a clear purchasing path. Each product landing page should be mobile optimized, making it easy for your visitors to make a purchase whether on desktop or a mobile device.

The easier the conversion path, the fewer the abandoned carts and the more sales.

Many websites allow you to add a button that adds the product directly to your shopper's card. You can also display a sidebar that displays what is currently in a visitors shopping cart. This makes it easy for customers to see what they have selected and also encourage a seamless check out process. 

Optimize for Mobile

The majority of website visitors are visiting through a mobile device, making mobile optimization crucial to the survival of your business. If you have holiday landing pages that are not optimized for mobile, you are losing out on a huge profit opportunity. Here is how to optimize your holiday landing pages for mobile:

  1. Make sure that the buttons are large enough to be seen and interacted with on smaller screens.
  2. Format holiday banners for mobile devices, keeping text size in mind.
  3. Don’t overload your mobile landing pages with too much text.
  4. Ensure that getting from products to check out is simple, minimizing the number of “touches” between your product and cart pages.

In Conclusion

Get ready for the holidays that are in the near future! Each holiday brings an opportunity for businesses to increase their sales. Rather than optimizing your website later on, take the time to evaluate how you can make them stand out among the crowd. This time next year, you can look back on your performance and make adjustments based on your results.