Non-profit websites are a very different animal than the average business website, and it's not just because of the content that they're expected to host. Non-profits have some unique challenges when it comes to designing their websites, and these five mistakes often lead to a poor user experience for visitors.
Mistake #1: Neglecting Mobile
We all know how important smartphones are becoming, but many non-profits are still maintaining separate mobile sites or neglecting mobile altogether. This is unacceptable in today's marketplace! More than 60% of website users are using their mobile phone to access the web. The first step to improving your conversion rates on your site is making sure that you're providing an excellent experience for those visiting from their phone browser.
A mobile-optimized website is one that has a responsive design, which means the site will automatically adjust to various screen sizes. This type of design ensures your users are getting an optimized experience on their device regardless of whether it's a desktop computer, tablet or smartphone. It also allows you to offer more content and information for visitors because each page isn't as limited by size.
Mistake #2: Not Understanding Your Target Audience's Needs
A site that isn't catered to the needs of its visitors won't receive very many repeat visits and may not even be ranked well in search engines. To determine what your target audience is looking for, you need to do a little research before moving forward with any design or content planning.
You should talk to staff members if they are available, review past data on who has visited the website (if possible) and use analytics tools like Google Analytics. Once you have this information it will help shape how your site looks as well as what type of content goes onto each page so users can find exactly what they're looking for quickly and easily.
Mistake #3: Ignoring Analytics Data
Pay close attention to your analytics data and use it for what is best for the project. Your analytics can tell you how many people are visiting each landing page, and if the content on your landing pages is improving the overall conversion rate. For example, if your conversion rates are low for a particular landing page, you may want to put more time and effort into improving the content on this page.
Different analytics tools will provide different information so it is best to utilize as many data points as possible. For example, Google Analytics offers demographics reports that show what type of people visit each website.
Mistake #4: Failing to Set Clear Goals
The goal of any website is to engage with visitors and encourage them to take action, whether that be filling out a contact form or buying a product. However, without clear goals in mind for the site's design and content, it can become difficult to measure success.
Failing to set clear goals can lead to a website that doesn't meet the needs of your company. If you're unsure what kind of website is best for your business, don't hesitate to contact Eternity Marketing. We'll be able to help you out by assessing your current situation and determining the best course of action moving forward.
Mistake #5: Lacking Outreach Strategies
Non-profits can be even more difficult to market than for profit businesses. Non-profit organizations often don't have the funding or resources to invest in marketing, so they must rely on word of mouth and strategic outreach strategies. When designing and developing a new website for a non-profit organization, ensure that you are implementing CTA's that align with your outreach strategy.
Some of the typical outreach strategies that a nonprofit organization should employ are:
- Active social media accounts and email newsletter. Do not be afraid to utilize emojis, and ask for a customer referral when it feels right.
- Engagement in online communities with your target market including Facebook groups, LinkedIn Groups or even forums. Offer help where you can, but also promote your own content - people will notice!
- Doing something unique on an annual basis is often what sets one organization apart from others in their industry segment - so have fun coming up with new ideas each year. For example, Earth Day (April 22) could be celebrated by holding gardening workshops at schools within an area near you.