5 Questions That Tell You It’s Time to Redesign Your Website

Design Notebook

It might be hard for you to pinpoint when it's time to redesign your website, but here are five questions to ask yourself when faced with this dilemma:

1. Is Your Website More Than 5 Years Old?

    A website can last you a long time and can be a foundation for building your platform but just as businesses need to evolve, so do websites. 5 years old is a good benchmark to consider if it's time for a website redesign. With new, innovative web elements coming out everyday, it's wise to invest into the digital platform that represents your brand.

    Take a look at what other companies in the same industry are doing. If they are sporting fresher designs or showcasing more visually appealing ways to display content, then your website might appear outdated to potential viewers.

    2. Are You Currently Rebranding Your Business?

      If you decide it's time to rebrand, it's only natural to redesign your website too. Your business is putting in hard work to create a new logo, font, and color palette. It would be a shame if your online presence neglected to showcase your fresh look. Rebranding is the perfect opportunity to get rid of all the outdated elements on your website and collaborate on a more modern design.

      You should also consider bringing in new photographs and shining a light on your social media. If you're ready to revamp your website, go all in and make sure that fresh look is consistent across all platforms.

      3. Are You Seeing Low Conversion Rates?

        The success of a website can be measured in many ways, one being with analytics that align with your sales goals. Pay close attention to the traffic on your website and see if visitors are staying long enough to engage or make purchases. Are viewers filling out your contact form? Low conversion rates could be a sign indicating your website design isn’t drawing in as many potential customers as you imagined.

        Look into the pages that receive the most traffic and assess where things can be improved. Having too many pages or large amounts of text can be overwhelming for visitors, leading to higher bounce rates. Think about the most effective place to put your call to actions. Make sure your webpages are intuitive and easy to navigate so viewers can convert into customers.

        4. Is Your Website Easy to Use on a Mobile Device?

          With more people accessing the internet via their phones and tablets, it's important to have a website that is functional on these devices. If your website appears unreadable on mobile or tablet, this could lead to frustrated customers and less conversions. Additionally, if you're finding broken links or sluggish loading times then you might want to consider a website redesign.

          5. Is It Difficult to Make Content Changes?

            If it's taking you a long time to make content changes or you're having trouble making even the simplest of updates, it might be time for a website redesign. You should have an easy and quick way to update your content so that customers are getting the most accurate information like store hours, team members and current services. A good website will provide templates or drag and drop options that make content changes effortless.

            If you find yourself asking any of these questions, it's time to start considering a website redesign. With a team like Eternity, your new website could be just around the corner!