5 Things Your Email List Wants You to Know

Woman Smiling at Email Icon

When you're sending emails from your business, it's important to have a good understanding of who your audience is and what they want. Your list is full of real people with unique needs, frustrations and desires -- and if you really want them to open, read and click on the emails you’re sending out every week or month, it pays to know a few things about them. 

Understanding a few key insights about what your list wants will take your email marketing strategy to the next level.

1. Send Tailored Emails

Give your subscribers the kind of content that they will find interesting and helpful. Crafting a quality email campaign that meets their needs can have a positive effect on driving traffic to your website, increasing sales and fostering long-term customer relationships.

Take time to get to know the interests of your customers, give them content they care about, and watch your business grow as a result. People don’t want to be treated like a number; instead, they want to feel like somebody is listening to their individual needs and preferences. Make sure your emails come from an individual and, if you can, address each subscriber by name. You can add a personal touch at the end like a reminder of why they are subscribed and an unsubscribe link. 

2. Value Their Interests

Show your subscribers that you value their presence on your email list by providing them with regular updates on new products, services, and promotions. Your subscribers will appreciate the fact that you are taking the time to inform them about your business and what’s going on in the industry.

Respect Their Inbox

This goes hand-in-hand with valuing your mailing list. Make sure not to bombard your subscribers with too many emails and take care not to send anything too close together; this can quickly lead people to unsubscribe from your list or mark your emails as spam – or, their email will mark it as spam for them. You could use a preference center to give recipients the ability to specify how many emails they want to receive. Make your messages relevant and helpful, and consider segmenting your list so that only people who have expressed interest in certain topics get those messages.

3. Keep It Fresh

Your mailing list wants to know that you are staying up-to-date with the trends and topics surrounding your business. Be unique when coming up with content ideas, and don’t be afraid to try different approaches, like mixing things up with a theme depending on the holiday when appropriate. 

Visuals are a powerful way to grab attention; try livening up the text of your email with visuals that capture the tone and purpose of the message. Another way to add some spice into your potential customers’ lives is to make the most of your email subject line. Think of how you would receive that email from someone else so you can make sure it’s concise and stands out in an inbox. Also, narrow in on one specific goal for each email so as to not overload your subscribers with too much information at once, making everything easier to understand.

Bonus content is another great way to keep things interesting. Think about incorporating interactive boosts like:

  • Downloadable PDF
  • Online contest
  • Coupon
  • Video
  • Infographic
  • Survey

With some creativity and dedication, you'll be able to make sure your emails never become dull or boring. Don’t be afraid to try out different strategies, and over time you'll see what works best for your audience.

4. Be Transparent and Honest

Let list members know at the end of your email how often they can expect emails from you, what kind of content they will receive, and any other information relevant to their subscription experience. This will help them to better understand why they are receiving emails from you and give them an opportunity to opt-in or out of your list, or give them a good talking point for sharing it.

Think of yourself as a friend first when it comes to reaching out to the people on your email list. Let them know about new products or services you have available but also inform them about anything that happens behind the scenes as well. Additionally, if something goes wrong, don’t forget to report back with updates on what was done to fix the issue. Doing this will help build your connection with each subscriber and make them feel like their loyalty and support are appreciated.

A great way to maintain trust is to give folks a heads up on renewing a subscription and signing up for offers. Supply them with a link where they can access the information they need and guide them carefully through the steps you want them to take. Above all, treat members of your email list with respect, kindness and gratitude because, after all, joining an email list is a great start to being a potential customer.

5. Engage With Your Email Subscribers

Responding to emails or comments from subscribers is a great way to show that you listen and care about what they have to say. Having a meaningful conversation with your readers is a great way to build relationships and create a connection with them. Not only can this open up opportunities for you to increase customer loyalty, but it also helps you get valuable feedback from your customers.

Asking email subscribers to share their experiences, opinions and recommendations can help you improve your products and services. It's also important to be responsive when someone reaches out via email, since responding quickly will foster trust and demonstrate that you value them as a customer. Consistent communication gives you the inside scoop on what kind of content they want to receive from your email campaign.

Use a Call-to-Action

If you want to make sure your email list is making the most out of your content, it's essential that readers know exactly what to do next. A call-to-action lets them know what their next action should be after reading your email. Whether you're motivating them to sign up for a webinar, book an appointment, or purchase a product, including a clear call-to-action empowers readers to take interest in your business.

Connect on Social Media

Give people the chance to talk to you and engage with your business on social media platforms. Engaging with your email subscribers on places like TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn is an effective way to build relationships and loyalty. It is also a great opportunity to spread the word about your product or service even further.

You can start conversations, post interesting content, ask inspiring questions, and link back to relevant content from your website or blog. You can repost any original posts that your subscribers have created in order to demonstrate that you care about their ideas and want to provide meaningful value.

Take Your Campaigns to the Next Level

Email marketing can be a great way to connect with your customers and generate more sales for your business. Keep these five things in mind as you create your next email marketing campaign and you'll be on your way to success.

If you need any help making sure you take the right steps, or want to talk to digital marketing experts about your business, please reach out to us at Eternity.