6 Benefits of Small Business Text Messaging

6 Benefits of Small Business Text Messaging

More than 6 billion text messages are sent each day! What is your business doing to leverage that trend to its advantage?

With over 7.5 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide, incorporating text messaging into your business operations may no longer be an option but an absolute must.

Here are 6 reasons why:

1. Convenience

With text messaging you can eliminate many of the inconveniences that crop up between you and your customers. Let’s face it; phone calls can sometimes become overwhelming. Whether it’s coming from your end or your customer’s; calls have a habit of coming in at the most inconvenient of times.

You can avoid having to leave a message after the beep, or, worse, having your business completely ignored by adopting a text message strategy in your communication endeavors.

With an SMS enabled landline phone, customers can get to you anywhere and anytime. You can also reach them with important messages in a way that is absolutely non-intrusive and convenient.

2. Streamlines Communication Management

Businesses today, have to make use of many lines of communication to get the message out and receive feedback from the public they seek to serve. More often than not, this requires the use of more than one phone number.

The demands of managing such a situation can add up pretty quickly.

However, you can shore up the pressures by merging your landline with a texting service. By doing so, you guarantee communication between your business and the customer is less spread out and thus easier to manage.

This not only ensures that your business’ voice is stronger and more coherent in the marketplace; it also ensures that useful information does not get lost during the exchange between you and your customers.

3. Increased Automation and Notifications

Incorporating text messages into your communication strategy empowers your business to achieve automation with levels of effectiveness that lie beyond the reach of calls and email.

As notification channels, calls and emails work no doubt, but there is a higher likelihood that they will get ignored when compared with text notifications.

Text notifications can also be completely automated, which is an advantage in the case of a message that needs to be heard a few times in order to make it stick. Plus, they can be sent out en masse to all your customers, or a particular pre-defined group.

4. More Success in Getting the Message Read

For all the vaunted praise they get, only 22% of marketing emails get opened according to a survey carried out by GetResponse. Compare that statistic with the 98% open rate which text messages enjoy.

It stands to reason, if you have an important message to pass across—say about a sale, or any other information you deem important to your customer base, SMS channels should be considered if you want it heard by the largest number of people.

Emails still work and should be considered, but ignoring text messages will mean you aren’t maximizing your business’ full potential.

5. Customer Relationship Management

Texts are convenient, non-intrusive, easy to deal with, and above all, familiar. We text family and friends every day.

There could hardly be a better channel through which you could build a relationship with your customers. Establishing a two way conversation between you and your customers through texts sends a message that your business is one that cares—and this keeps customers coming back for more transactions with your business.

6. Customers are Texting You!

Businesses that rely exclusively on voice calls and voicemails are missing possible connections. Customers are texting landline and toll free numbers, and it's bad for business to ignore them.

150 million text messages are sent to landline telephone numbers every day. You may have customers texting you and you don't even know it.

If you’re not already incorporating text messaging into your marketing and outreach strategies, it may be time to start.

Eternity highly recommends a service called Textline and we can help you get started today. Starting at only only $36 per month to allow customers to text your landline, your ROI is a sure success. You can start a 14-day FREE TRIAL today.