6 Simple Strategies to Make Blog Content More Accessible

Red blog button instead of the Return button on Apple keyboard

Writing for the web can be tricky, but it doesn't have to be complicated. By following simple strategies, you can make your blog content accessible and engaging for everyone.

Here are six strategies to make your blog content more accessible.

  1. Use Everyday Language
  2. Break Up Longer Sentences
  3. Keep Content Concise
  4. Make Links Obvious
  5. Draw Attention to Key Points
  6. Boost Accessibility With Text-to-Speech Technology

1. Use Everyday Language

When writing blog posts, it’s important to use easy-to-understand language. Avoiding overly complicated words helps ensure your readers don’t get lost in the content or miss out on important points.

For example, rather than saying ‘utilize’ when referring to an action, you might use the word ‘use’ instead. Make it easier for readers to grasp what’s being said without them having to look up definitions they’re not familiar with.

Not only can simple language lead to better engagement, it can also help to make your content more memorable. Using everyday words and phrases instead of complicated terms makes your blog post more accessible – without sacrificing accuracy.

2. Break Up Longer Sentences

It’s essential to break content into smaller chunks to keep readers from getting overwhelmed by large amounts of text. Breaking up a sentence into shorter ones also makes it easier for people who scan through articles to absorb the message.

Divide long expressions into smaller ones with clear transitions to help readers stay engaged throughout the post. This can prevent readers from losing interest halfway through because the content became too complex or difficult to understand.

Breaking up text also serves another function: it allows you to space out the key points you want your readers to remember most. Be strategic with where you place these points within your blog post. It’s a great way for them to help them stand out while not taking away from the flow of text too drastically.

3. Keep Content Concise

Have you ever read a blog post that seemed to go on and on without really getting to the point? Keeping content concise can make it much more accessible.

Being mindful of your readers' time is key to creating successful blogs – adding too many unnecessary words can quickly deter people from reading further. Keeping your blog content succinct means explaining topics in a way that doesn’t lose the reader’s attention.

Tip: Try to stick with one central message per paragraph. It helps keep the focus on what's important while also making sure the entire piece is still easy to read.

Keep in mind that short and succinct doesn’t mean writing as few words as possible. Understanding the needs of your target audience is integral for deciding whether long-form content on a topic is warranted. Knowing what kind of information people are looking for from your business and how deeply they need to understand a topic can help determine if long-form content is necessary.

4. Make Links Obvious

When adding links, it’s important to make them descriptive. For example, you can direct readers to more in-depth content within your blog by placing links on a word or phrase. This helps your readers, and search engines, find content on your website.

Other types of links let readers know what happens when they click on them. For instance, “Get in touch” or “Apply Now” clearly communicates what will happen.

Links should also be easy to spot. Make them stand out. Use your brand color or one that compliments it. Just make sure readers can distinguish the text link from the other content.

5. Draw Attention to Key Points

As you've been reading, you may have noticed that phrases are bolded throughout the article. Strategically bolding certain words and phrases in your blog article improves reader retention.

Bolding lets readers quickly skim the article and easily pick up the central ideas. It makes for a smoother, more enjoyable experience and helps them remember the important aspects of your content.

When you marry bolded text to the paragraph’s headline, it can summarize the section’s content. Take, for example, this section’s headline and the bolded text.

Draw Attention to Key Points

  • Improves reader retention
  • Easily pick up on the central ideas
  • Most effective tools for increasing engagement

When done successfully, strategic bolding can be one of the most effective tools for increasing engagement with your content and reinforcing reader retention.

6. Boost Accessibility with Text-to-Speech Technology

Adding Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology to your blog can significantly improve readability and accessibility for people of all backgrounds and abilities.

TTS provides visually impaired individuals, those with a language barrier or those with learning challenges the ability to listen to your blog posts and help them understand the content in a way that's easier for them to process. It lets an individual focus on the material without worrying about deciphering difficult words or phrases.

Another benefit of Text-to-Speech is that visitors can multitask while listening to the audio version – leading to (you guessed it!) increased engagement.

Make Your Blog Content Accessible and Inclusive

Accessible content is easier to consume, free of confusion and allows everyone to engage with your content. Incorporating these simple strategies into your blog shows your commitment to providing an inclusive experience for all of your current and potential customers.

If you need help with accessibility on your blog or your website, we can help! Schedule your consultation today!