8 Essential Web Design Questions Which Companies Should Ask Clients

8 Essential Web Design Questions Which Companies Should Ask Clients

Before you embark on that next web design project, here are 8 questions you should communicate with your potential web designer to ensure a successful and satisfactory outcome.

1. What Does Your Business Do?

In order to make a great website, the web designer has to become acquainted with your business. Great web design does not happen in a vacuum. Be as detailed as possible about your business so that your web designer is able to put themselves in your shoes and see things from your perspective.

2. Do You Already Have a Website?

This seems like a silly question on the surface, but it’s not, for two reasons:

Firstly, it quickly gives your web designer insight into the amount of work that needs to be done.

And secondly, should you already have a website, this question allows you to list out what you like and don’t like about it so your web designer knows the right direction to take.

3. What Do You Hope to Accomplish With Your Site?

Do you want sales, signups, more memberships, and so on? Also, what are your secondary goals for the site? Majority of visitors may not be willing to take the desired action after their first visit, secondary goals are the actions you want site visitors to take should the primary goals fail. Long story short, every website should have a goal.

4. Who Is Your Target Audience?

In a sense, your website is not being built for you; you’re designing it for your audience. If the resulting website does not resonate strongly with the target audience, then they simply won’t use it. You want your web designer to take into consideration the demographics and psychographics that matter to your business; consumption and shopping habits; and so on. The more that is known about your target audience, the more likely it is that you will create a website experience that they will connect with.

5. What Sets Your Company Apart from the Competition?

You need to make your client understand how search works: their target audience is looking at 5 different websites to see the one that best solves their problem. It is important that your client stands out in a big way, and the only way to do that is by incorporating all that sets them apart from their competition.


6. What Websites Do You Like and Why?

It’s likely you already have ideas about what you want your website to look like based on what you have seen on a competitor’s website. Share your ideas with your web designer and hear what they have to say.

You may have to come to a compromise between what you want and what an experienced web designer knows is good for your project. If that ends up being the case, it is better you two talk about the compromise before actual work begins.

7. What Functionalities Do You Want For Your Site?

Would you like a shopping cart? Quick opt-in form? A blog or news feed? You probably turned to a web designer because you needed something in order to succeed. It’s up to you to clarify that need at the very beginning rather than leave it vague and risk having to return with a sad face complaining that what you received was not what you wanted.

8. What Are Your Customer’s Pain Points?

A quick way to establish a strong connection with your target audience involves highlighting their pains, following that up with a promise, and then showcasing proof. You can only do that if you and your designer go beyond the surface demographics to really get to know what the target customer’s pain points are.

Sharing the answers to these 8 questions should equip your chosen web designer with all the background knowledge they will need to create a website that truly shines and stands out among the competition.

Thinking of a new website or an upgrade? Let Eternity ask you these questions today!