9 Toxic Things About Your Website That SCARE People Away

9 Toxic Things About Your Website That SCARE People Away

If you have gone through the trouble and expense of developing a website, you want to make sure that you aren’t committing any easily overlooked mistakes that could be causing you to lose traffic or sales. While everyone has their own pet peeves when it comes to web design and styles, there are a few things that nearly everyone agrees can be detrimental to your site should you include these elements on it:

1. Autoplaying Videos With Sound 

Using autoplaying videos on your homepage can be cool, but nothing is more annoying than a video that starts playing with sound when you did not ask for it. Google has also started fighting against them so it is best not to use them, especially with sound.

2. Use Of Popups

You probably don’t need to deliver ad material to people right off the bat as they visit your site, before they have expressed any interest; that just annoys people.  Instead, take a less aggressive and invasive approach to building genuine interest. Google will also penalize your website now for popups that block content.

3. Contact Info

Don't hide your contact information! If visitors are interested, make sure they can get to your contact info very easily without having to dig. Take advantage of placing it in a prominent location in the top right hand corner of your site as well as in the footer of the site.

4. Unclear Purpose

Much like TV commercials where you can finish viewing them without having a clear idea of what exactly they are trying to sell you; it is easy to overdo the element of mystery on your website. Keep things simple and clear, and you will experience better sales conversions. Less is almost always more.

5. Poor Implementation

Don’t assume that your customers use the same software platforms you do for every little task.  If simple touches like the default email program launched when clicking a link on your site lead to strange options, or the site was not browser or device tested for multiple versions, visitors will be less than thrilled. Consider using contact forms for important contact collection and make sure your developer tests in all major modern browsers and devices.

6. Text That Is Too Small 

We understand the temptation is to put every convincing argument and impressive portfolio piece you have out there, but keep in mind that they need to keep the text in a readable size for users of all ages, which often means bumping up the size a bit.

7. Searching For Search

You would be surprised how many people leave out something as integral and simple as a simple search button on their densely packed, information websites. That’s asking your potential customers to try to find a needle in a haystack.  Make sure to have your developer include a search button on your site.

8. Poor Social Media Connectivity

Another cardinal mistake some sites make is not using the social media buttons correctly. You make your organization look foolish when you do things like have the Facebook button on your site attempt to share your About Us page, rather than take the visitor to your Facebook fan page so they can Like you there. Use the social networks to your advantage to grow your potential customer base.

9. Insecure Website Errors

Nothing scares a visitor away faster than a website security error. If your website is not currently HTTPS, then make that change now. Google will penalize you if your website is not secure. Not to mention over 40% of visitors will immediately leave if they see a security error.