9 Ways to Appeal to Your Target Audience

9 Ways to Appeal to Your Target Audience

How much meaningful exposure your business gets depends a lot on how well you can connect with your target audience. Here are 9 tips you can use to help you better connect with your audience:

1. Go with Emotions

There is no better way to connect with anybody or group of people than by going with emotions. There’s nothing sneaky about this, just that we as people are more easily moved to action by emotions than by anything else--even logic.

For example, if you run an animal care shop, you are more likely to connect with your audience by showing pictures of how happy the animals in your care look, rather than by listing a bunch of stats that support your business.

2. Emphasize Time

One of the most powerful triggers you can use in communicating the value of your product or service is time. As our society gets busier and busier, people are becoming increasingly short of time and will gladly listen to anybody who can help  them save some for the things they love.

3. Share Your Brand Values

Sometimes it can be hard to differentiate your products and services from those of competitors. In face of such a situation, it pays to double down on the things you can control--like your brand values for example. Your brand values showcase what separates your business from any out there and talking about them is a great way to connect with your core audience.

4. Work with Influencers

It takes a while to build an audience that can actually have significant impact on your business. If you have been struggling to build your audience, by all means keep at it. However, if you are looking for a proven fast track that can get you much needed exposure and get people talking about your business, work with influencers in your industry.

5. Publish Case Studies

Publishing case studies presents all the information your customer base needs to make intelligent purchase decisions. Because they save time and answer to a deep emotional need which is uncertainty, they are always a hit and your audience will love you for them.

6. Never Stop Improving Your Brand Image

Take a hard look at your brand image and see what you could be doing differently to improve it. Enough cannot be said about this as far as connecting with your audience is concerned. The way people view your brand goes a long way towards determining whether they will become paying customers or not.

7. Stop Sounding Salesy

Don’t you just hate when a brand is always trying to sell to you all the time? Don’t do that to your audience. Stick to the 80/20 rule of content creation. That is, 80% of your content should be genuinely valuable content without any kind of sales pitch, while 20% can talk about your business, its products and services.

8. Ask Questions

The better you know your audience, the easier it will be to connect with them on an emotional level. And there is no better source of information about your audience than your audience itself. Ask existing and potential customers for their feedback in order to gain invaluable insight into their needs.

9. Focus on Needs

One of the benefits of asking your audience questions is that you get to know what their needs are. You are more likely to connect with your audience and make them pay attention to your products and services if you focus on how they solve the needs of your audience. Many businesses make the mistake of focusing on the features of their product rather than on how these products solve the needs of your audience. 


Today, business is a dynamic two-way conversation between a company and its audience. Gone are those days when companies dictated the pace and audiences followed. It’s been this way for quite some time, but many businesses are still catching up. Hopefully, with these tips given you don’t get left behind.

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