The Eternity Blog

The latest tips, trends and reports from the vast universe of the web, brought to you by our crew.

SEO technology for 2024 depicted with rocket, gears, and digital icons.


How Long Does SEO Take in 2024?

With the ever-evolving nature of search algorithms and user behaviors, you might wonder, "How long does SEO take in 2024?" Understanding SEO timelines is crucial for setting expectations and allocating resources. Let’s explore the factors shaping SEO timelines this year and provide insights to help you stay ahead of the curve.



Winning Google Position 0 in 5 Steps

Ever heard of Google’s position 0? It’s the new top spot which everybody is vying for, and probably you should too. In this post we share with you 5 steps towards claiming this top spot. But first things first: what is Google’s position 0 and why is it so important?



5 Easy Ways to Train Your Website to Make You Money

So you’ve got your website up and running. Congratulations! Now you want to make sure you get the return you deserve from your investment. Try these 5 easy tips to turn your website into a money making machine.



Customer Journey Mapping 101

Your business is always interacting with its target customer; and whether this interaction starts well and ends well, depends on how well you understand and create the customer journey map.



6 Easy Ways to Get More Results from Your Google My Business Listing

Ever wondered how to optimize your listing so that you get more results from Google My Business? Follow these 6 easy tips.



GDPR: What Is It and Why Should You Care?

May 25, 2018 was the deadline for GDPR compliance, and you probably have a lot of questions like: How prepared am I for this new era? Does it even concern my business? What is GDPR anyway?!


Digital Marketing

What Is Facebook Ad Relevance Score?

Have you ever wondered how Facebook decides which ads to show on the platform and how much each marketer should pay? It all boils down to a metric called the Facebook Ad Relevance Score.


In The News

Our Logo May Be Red, But We Bleed Green

Vermont is well known for being one of the most environmentally friendly states to live in within the US. Many Vermont small businesses choose to adopt this green culture into their businesses practices, and Eternity is one among these such businesses.



Secrets to a Successful Website Kickoff Meeting

Kickoff meetings don’t have to be the dreary affairs they usually turn out to be. With the steps outlined below for a successful kickoff meeting, you can start seeing real results whenever you bring the team together.


Digital Marketing | Email Marketing

Email Marketing Continues to Deliver Strong ROI

A lot of things have been proclaimed ‘dead’ in recent years: marketing funnels, SEO, traditional retail…and email marketing? A cursory look at the following numbers for B2B and B2C email marketing statistics will let you know that the rumors of the death of email marketing may have been exaggerated so to speak.



Mobile First is the Future of Digital

The last few years brought us the rise of mobile-friendly marketing and now the next few years is about to usher in the era of mobile first marketing.


Site Launches

New Website for Green Up Vermont!

Announcing the debut of the new website for Green Up Vermont, just in time for everyone's favorite statewide clean-up effort, Green Up Day.



Hey Siri, How Much of Google Search Will be Via Voice by 2020?

One of the coolest things about the old sci-fi movies was the way the characters could simply command a computer to do pretty much anything using only their voices. “Computer... bring up the coordinates for our destination.”



The Dawn of Human-to-Human (H2H) Marketing

As humans become ever more merged with their tech and devices, the need to keep your communications human has never been higher. Remember the familiar smile that greets you when you show up at the local grocery store? Or the fact that you don’t have to introduce yourself to your local hair stylist?


In The News

Eternity Wins Vermont Business Magazine's Best Web Developer Award

We at Eternity are proud to have earned the recognition of our peers and colleagues in the Vermont business community by winning the 2018 Vermont Business Magazine Best Web Developer Award!



12 Free or Inexpensive Photography Sources for Your Website

A photo says a thousand words, and this is even more true on the web.