The Eternity Blog

The latest tips, trends and reports from the vast universe of the web, brought to you by our crew.

SEO technology for 2024 depicted with rocket, gears, and digital icons.


How Long Does SEO Take in 2024?

With the ever-evolving nature of search algorithms and user behaviors, you might wonder, "How long does SEO take in 2024?" Understanding SEO timelines is crucial for setting expectations and allocating resources. Let’s explore the factors shaping SEO timelines this year and provide insights to help you stay ahead of the curve.



Never Redesign Your Website Again—Evolutionary Design

You should redesign your website every few years or so to keep it from going stale and obsolete. That idea reads smoothly on paper, doesn’t it? But the reality can actually be a lot messier.



5 SEO Techniques That Will Help You Succeed in 2018

Like every journey, your SEO campaign has a higher likelihood for success if you begin on sure footing. Hence this list of 5 SEO techniques that will send you rising through the ranks and gaining all the traffic you need in 2018.



Landing Pages: What Are They and Why Are They Important?

Landing pages are considered one of the most critical elements of a digital marketing campaign…but what is a landing page? And why are they so important?


Digital Marketing

Marketing Automation is Like a Second Brain

Repetitive tasks have a way of tying you down and restricting you to working in your business rather than on it. That’s why automation is so important.


Digital Marketing

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Facebook Advertising

Gone are the days of simply relying on traditional media like radio, tv and print to promote your business and attract customers. While those channels can still be effective, they are simply not enough on their own.


Digital Marketing | Email Marketing

Best Time to Send Email Campaigns

Email is still one of the best channels for marketing and building relationships with your readers, and that does not seem ready to change anytime soon. In the meantime, businesses and marketers are still wondering about the best time to send email campaigns.


Digital Marketing

6 Marketing No-Nos for 2018

Every new year ushers in a sense of hope, the chance to start afresh and correct errors made in the previous year…and this applies even in your marketing strategy.


Digital Marketing

How Much Does Google Adwords Cost?

The average small business using AdWords spends between $9,000 and $10,000 per month on their Google paid search campaigns. That's $100,000 to $120,000 per year.



8 Reasons Brochure Websites Don’t Work Anymore

So you need a website, but nothing too fancy or technical; just a brochure website with slick design to impress your visitors—you know, just the basics. That’s not a good idea, and you’ll soon know why.


Digital Marketing

Facebook Algorithm Ch-Ch-Changes

Long story short, Facebook is implementing sweeping changes to their user’s News Feeds that will reduce the number of business posts they see and increase the number of posts they see from friends and family.



MODX Might Be the Best CMS You’ve Never Used

MODX may also qualify as the best CMS you’ve never heard of. A lot of people think Wordpress, when they hear of CMS—and that’s because that platform is by far the most popular—but is it truly the best CMS out there?



How Long Does it Take to Rank in Google?

How long before my website gets to the top of Google? As a website owner you’ve probably wondered about this on more than one occasion. And like most people, you’ve also probably taken your problem to the experts—web developers and those who do client SEO—for some answers.



10 Easy Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate in Google Analytics

A website can be an interesting place to be, depending on how you look at it. You could liken it to a specialized store for example: people come in hoping to get something, they either see it or they don’t, then they check out with a mind to return…or to never step foot into that mall again.



15 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Nothing makes a website owners eyes light up more than the thought of more traffic to their website. Traffic is the holy grail of the online community; and could lead to more exposure, more subscriptions, more leads, more sales, and more reasons to smile.



Increase Your Website ROI with Color Psychology

Do you remember the last time you were at the mall, trying to make a purchase decision between two similar items?