The Eternity Blog

The latest tips, trends and reports from the vast universe of the web, brought to you by our crew.



In The News

2024: A Year in Review

As 2024 comes to end we’d like to take a moment to reflect on a year full of website launches, new endeavors, incredible clients, and an outstanding crew.



2017 Website Checklist: ADA Compliance

In the past several months, many Vermont businesses (including some of our clients) have become targets of demand letters and threatened lawsuits arising under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).



On "How to Rank #1 in Google"

Matthew Barby, the "learn SEO from a Pro" guy, has provided us all with an invaluable service to wrap up the year 2016: He's analyzed 1 million different URLs that appear on page 1 of Google.



Benefits of Live Chat on your Website

If you’re reading this blog post, then you probably already know that live chat is a system that enables you to chat with visitors of your website in real time.



New website launch: City of Barre, Vermont

Like many municipalities, the City of Barre's website was a mess.



What Google is Looking for In Your Website

A lot of news has been made about Google's Panda algorithm update, which rolled out over the past 4 weeks, and which was designed to demerit sites with bad content links while restoring search results for sites that had seen serious traffic drop-offs in organic visitors to specific keywords since the first Panda release in 2015.


Site Launches

Website Launch: VCRHYP

Congratulations to the Vermont Coalition for Runaways and  Homeless Youth Programs (VCRHYP) on its brand-new website!



Top 5 Ways To Get A Return On Your Website

Receiving a return on your investment is always a goal no matter what the medium. At Eternity, it is our number one priority with every project we take on.



On-Page SEO in 2016: The 8 Principles for Success

On-page SEO is no longer a simple matter of checking things off a list. There's more complexity to this process in 2016 than ever before.



Google Fonts Redesign!

Another major ux/ui overhaul for one of Google's children.



Why You Need a Website with a CMS

A big part of what we do at Eternity is to give advice to our clients, and to our prospects before they become our clients.


In The News

Eternity Client, Espresso Bueno, In The News!

Our client and favorite coffee shop in the world, Espresso Bueno, was in the local news this week. Way to go Elizabeth and crew!



Organic Traffic Observations for Early 2016

As we review our clients' websites to see how trends are shaping up so far in 2016, a big area of focus, of course, is on organic SEO.



Google's Material Design is Hitting YouTube Soon! Want it Now?

You've seen it across the family of Google Apps and your favorite web developer's site (*cough* Eternity) but now Material Design has reached our beloved YouTube.



4 Ways to Create High-Ranking Content in Competitive Industries

Drowning in the sea of content? You're not alone. Site quality is factored heavily in search ranking. After the Panda update, a large number of websites with low-quality content took a huge hit.



137 Design Facts That Will Amaze You

Design Facts is an amazing site to get lost in if you are interested in historic facts about design, trends and logos. We really recommend checking it out. You might learn something fun!