The Eternity Blog

The latest tips, trends and reports from the vast universe of the web, brought to you by our crew.

SEO technology for 2024 depicted with rocket, gears, and digital icons.


How Long Does SEO Take in 2024?

With the ever-evolving nature of search algorithms and user behaviors, you might wonder, "How long does SEO take in 2024?" Understanding SEO timelines is crucial for setting expectations and allocating resources. Let’s explore the factors shaping SEO timelines this year and provide insights to help you stay ahead of the curve.

The Digital Marketing Puzzle

Digital Marketing | Google Ads | SEO | Social Media

What's Missing From Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

The Digital Marketing Puzzle: All the Pieces You Need to Complete Your Digital Marketing Strategy.

designing a website


Website Design Tips for Small Businesses

An aesthetically pleasing website can be the difference between converting visitors into customers. In this article, we'll explore why design matters and provide tips for making your business's online presence stand out in a competitive field!

wooden blocks stacked on top of each other with the words lover, magician, explorer, innocents, creator, sage, outlaw, hero, jester, everyman, caregiver, and ruler written individually on each. The creator block is being pulled out from the middle by a person's thumb and forefinger

Digital Marketing

Brand Archetypes: What Are They And Why Are They Important?

A brand archetype is basically a template that represents a brand. Businesses can use archetypes when creating their brand identity and developing a brand strategy. Brand archetypes make branding more memorable and recognizable to their target audience.

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Optimization | SEO

Best Practices for On-Page and Off-Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the optimization of a website’s content and code in order to improve its ranking on SERPs. This includes optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and images. Off-page SEO, on the other hand, refers to the optimization of a website’s link profile. This includes link building, which is the process of acquiring links from websites.

A laptop open to Google Search with a plant nearby and a calendar to the right of it. Sticky notes above referencing google ad extensions

Google Ads | Digital Marketing

Google Ads Extensions: Best Practices & Why You Should Be Using Them

Google Ads Extensions are a way to provide potential customers with additional information about your business at no extra cost to you. They give you the ability to create manual extensions that will improve your search ads by adding more valuable content for the user.

stock image of content marketing

Digital Marketing

How Can Content Marketing Help a Business?

Think of content marketing as a way to build a relationship with your customers. It's all about creating and sharing valuable content that helps people solve problems or meet their needs.

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Digital Marketing | Google Ads

Google Ads - 6 Things You Can Do Today To Improve Your Ad Campaigns

There are billions of Google searches every day, each of them an opportunity to connect with a potential customer. By following these simple steps, you can increase the likelihood that the connection a customer makes will be with you!

stock photo of social media apps

Digital Marketing | Social Media

Organic vs. Paid Social Media: What's the Difference?

Paid social media and organic social media are two different things, and it's important to understand the difference between the two.

new hire Holly

In The News

Welcoming Holly Buttura to Eternity

We are pleased to welcome Holly Buttura to the Eternity team, as our new Content & SEO Specialist. Get to know Holly through the blog, or get in contact with us if you are interested in working together.


In The News

The Surprising History of "Hello": Origins and Evolution of the Greeting

What do you say when you answer the phone? If you're like most people, you say "hello." It's such a common, everyday word. But where did it come from?

stock image digital marketing

Digital Marketing

The 10 Best Online Courses on Digital Marketing (Free & Paid)

In this blog post, you'll find information about the best digital marketing courses available online. The list includes both free and paid digital marketing training courses from reputable organizations.

maria black new social media creator

In The News

Welcoming Maria Black to Eternity

Maria Black is joining the Eternity crew as our new Social Media Content Creator.

Open sign on business

Digital Marketing

Google My Business: Tips to Take Full Advantage

Google My Business is a simple yet powerful tool that gives local business owners the opportunity to have their company information shown on Google search results. Here's how to make it work for you.



Best Website Navigation Practices for 2022

2022 is bringing a lot of change, and we are having to adjust and adapt as quickly as possible. The world of technology in and of itself is constantly innovating new solutions that can be applied to challenges that continue to arise.

A computer on a desk with plants and a lamp and notebook. On the computer someone is going to create a new responsive search ad.

Digital Marketing

Responsive Search Ads: Everything You Need to Know

Google search ads are changing in 2022, here’s how to prepare. Find a complete guide to responsive search ads anatomy, best practices, & how to run tests.