The Eternity Blog

The latest tips, trends and reports from the vast universe of the web, brought to you by our crew.

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Google Ads | Optimization | Digital Marketing

Testing, Testing: Experimenting with Google Ads

Experimenting with different strategies can really increase the value of your Google Ads campaigns, and it doesn’t have to be intimidating. Here are three simple ways to start experimenting with Google Ads to maximize your marketing efforts.


Digital Marketing

8 Tips to Use Google Analytics to Better Understand Your Audience

What is the single most important question you may have to answer for your website? “Who comes to your website?”


Digital Marketing

8 Questions to Ask When Hiring a SEO Consultant

The top of Google SERPs can be a wonderful and profitable place to be at.


Digital Marketing

4 Steps to Make Your PPC Ads More Memorable

Pay-per-click is a great way to get your website up and running with highly targeted traffic. At least that’s the plan.


Digital Marketing

SEO vs. PPC—Which Will Give You More ROI?

Should you use pay-per-click ads or are you better off sticking with SEO?


Digital Marketing

5 Ways to Spy on Your Competitors Digital Marketing Strategy

Believe it or not, spying is a key part of a solid digital marketing strategy.


Digital Marketing

How and Why to Use Google My Business Posts

Publishing Google My Business posts may be the extra source you need to stand out and inch ahead of the competition.


Digital Marketing

Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Marketing

Like with everything else in life, success in digital marketing will depend on how well you do the little things.


Digital Marketing

6 Common Mistakes that Can Destroy Your Website Google Ranking

Sometimes the trick to a solid SEO strategy lies not in what you must do, but rather in what you must NOT do.


Digital Marketing

Best Hashtags to Attract Customers to Your Business

Hashtags are more than just another gimmick the kids have come up with to keep you forever confused on social media.


Digital Marketing

What Is Facebook Ad Relevance Score?

Have you ever wondered how Facebook decides which ads to show on the platform and how much each marketer should pay? It all boils down to a metric called the Facebook Ad Relevance Score.


Digital Marketing | Email Marketing

Email Marketing Continues to Deliver Strong ROI

A lot of things have been proclaimed ‘dead’ in recent years: marketing funnels, SEO, traditional retail…and email marketing? A cursory look at the following numbers for B2B and B2C email marketing statistics will let you know that the rumors of the death of email marketing may have been exaggerated so to speak.


Digital Marketing

Marketing Automation is Like a Second Brain

Repetitive tasks have a way of tying you down and restricting you to working in your business rather than on it. That’s why automation is so important.


Digital Marketing

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Facebook Advertising

Gone are the days of simply relying on traditional media like radio, tv and print to promote your business and attract customers. While those channels can still be effective, they are simply not enough on their own.


Digital Marketing | Email Marketing

Best Time to Send Email Campaigns

Email is still one of the best channels for marketing and building relationships with your readers, and that does not seem ready to change anytime soon. In the meantime, businesses and marketers are still wondering about the best time to send email campaigns.


Digital Marketing

6 Marketing No-Nos for 2018

Every new year ushers in a sense of hope, the chance to start afresh and correct errors made in the previous year…and this applies even in your marketing strategy.