Awesome Tools for Generating Content Ideas for Your Blog

Awesome Tools for Generating Content Ideas for Your Blog

Overcome your writer’s block with these awesome tools for generating content ideas:

Hubspot’s Blog Topic Generator

Hubspot’s blog topic generator is a great tool to use if you are looking to spark your creativity and come up with a bunch of blog post ideas fast. If you are find yourself experiencing a block, you can get a week’s worth of content ideas simply by inputting a noun (or up to five nouns) into the topic generator. You can also get up to 250 more ideas in exchange for your contact details.


BuzzSumo’s content analyzer can give you insight into what topics are all the rage are that time and their formats. By entering a keyword or domain you get a list of published content, along with the total engagement, social media shares, number of links, and the evergreen score. If you are willing to upgrade, you get a bunch of other premium bits of information in addition. You can also take advantage of the filters to identify recent trends, lengths, language, content type, and much more, so that you get fully informed on the best way forward.


AnswerThePublic is a great tool for getting keywords, and content ideas posed as questions, comparisons, and so on. You type in an initial keyword and AnswerThePublic will spew forth dozens of results for that keyword, many of which will be coupled with other words beginning with different letters of the alphabet. For example, if you type in “Aeroplane” you may get “Aeroplane Builder”, “Aeroplane Controls”, “Aeroplane Delivery”, etc as keyword ideas


Google gives free content ideas at the bottom of every search results page. It’s time you started paying attention to the “Searches related to” section at the bottom of each search result. Take some of these suggested content ideas and plug into the Keyword Planner, and examine the data to see if they are worth pursuing or not.


Alltop is a news aggregator that lets you know what is happening online, ranging from science and religion to fashion and photography, you name it. What makes this tool great for getting content ideas is that it displays five posts from relevant blogs from which you can get content inspiration. You can even drill down to specific blogs and scan individually.


If you want to create content that is tailored to deliver the most impact to your audience, you can as well ask them what they are interested in. By making it a point to collect FAQs through your website, you can create a never-ending stream of content ideas that your audience is guaranteed to want to devour.

Neil Patel’s UberSuggest

Ubersuggest is a great tool that enables you to analyze hundreds of keyword ideas, including the keywords that your competitors are using…for free. Information you can gather includes: average monthly search volume, organic difficulty, your chances of ranking in the top 20, and so on. Because of the treasure trove of information that Ubersuggest makes available for free, it is a must have, especially if you are still new to the field of blogging and SEO.

Portent’s Content Idea Generator

For catchy blog titles, look no further than Portent’s Content Idea Generator. After you submit a keyword, the tool allows you to review one recommended topic at a time, and offers tips to help you understand exactly what makes a good topic, blog title, and post.


Creating a steady stream of content-worthy ideas can seem impossible at times, but with these tools much of the sweat has already been taken out of the job. Start with a few of these suggested tools to see which one rubs you right, then you stick with that.