The short answer is YES, people really do click on Google ads.
According to, Google makes $100M per day from Google Ads. You read that correctly. That is approximately 91% of Google's revenue.
Over the years, I have had multiple potential clients tell me that "they don't click on Google ads, so therefore they also think other people do not as well."
The question I would ask is "How is Google making $100M per day off Google Ads if no one is clicking on them?"
Match Users To Their Exact Needs At The Exact Time
Effective advertising comes down to matching ads to what people really want. This is called "intent." Google has perhaps the best insight into this because you tell them exactly what you're searching for. The same technology and algorithms that allow them to find relevant information for your search is also what gives them insights into exactly what ads you might be interested in.
Google is also able to calculate the best day and time to display your ads, as well as which demographic may be most likely to click on your ads. The simple truth is that no other advertising network is as powerful as Google Ads.
It is also worth noting that Google not only has the biggest search engine in the world but they also have the most popular web browser and have Google Analytics on every site.
75% Of Users Click on Ads
According to a survey by Clutch, 75% of those survey claimed they had clicked on a paid ad in the past month and said that it helped them find the information they were looking for.

So if Google Ads are so powerful, effective and widely used, why is there also a myth that they are not clicked? It could potentially just be psychological in that some of us are prone to dislike ads. And with that subconscious seed planted, it is not uncommon to think that some might have a sour taste in regards to Google Ads.
But the proof is in the pudding as they say. Google Ads work.
I would love to schedule a time to review how Google Ads could work for spreading awareness of your brand and growing your business. No hard sales pressure, just a quick 15 - 30 minute education on how the Google Ads system work.
Feel free to schedule a time in my calendar today!