The answer is in the title. As a business or small business, you probably don’t need to be on every single social platform.
Simply put, each social platform meets different needs and interests. A social media platform like Pinterest may not make sense, for example, an electrician, but Pinterest is a fantastic platform for an interior design business. Your local dentist may have no real need for an Instagram, but your local veterinarian with lots of cute dog and cat photos could rake in the likes on Instagram. If a platform does not match the kind of content you want to promote, and if your target consumers are not engaged on that platform, you most likely don’t need that platform in your social strategy.
But if you don’t need to be on every platform, how do you know which ones to choose for your business social media strategy? Here’s a few quick ways you can determine the right platforms for you.

Platform Demographics
This is the most classic answer, and the one many social media managers look to first when determining an official strategy. Each social platform attracts different kinds of users with varying interests. For each major platform, here is the main demographic information a social media manager will typically look at (information provided by HootSuite):
- 21% of all users at 45+ (With 65+ being by far the fastest growing market)
- 34% of all users are ages 25 to 34
- 56.4% of users identify as male
- Instagram is the most-used platform among American teenagers
- One third of Instagram users are between the ages of 25 and 34
- 51% of Instagram users worldwide identify as female
- 57.1% of Twitter users are between the ages of 25 and 49
- 70% of Twitter’s advertising audience are male
- 56% of users have completed some college or have a degree
- 82% of users are under the age of 34
- 59% of users identify as female
- 72% of all US internet users who identify as male used YouTube
- 72% of all US internet users who identify as female used YouTube
- 57% of LinkedIn users identify as male
- 59.9% of LinkedIn users worldwide are between the ages of 25 to 34
- 35% of US Pinterest users are between the ages of 30 to 49
- Pinterest claims 8 out of 10 moms use Pinterest
- More than 60% of Pinterest’s global audience identify as female
- 53% of TikTok users globally identify as male
- 32% of TikTok users in the US are between the ages of 10 to 19
- 70% of US teens use TikTok at least once a month
Wow, that’s a lot of information, but it’s the quick information you need up front to help you best determine what platforms you should get on. Who is your target market? Pick the apps where they are most likely to congregate.
So, for example, if you're a small business targeting teens, you will absolutely want to prioritize Instagram, TikTok, and perhaps Snapchat. If you’re trying to target those who identify as mothers, Pinterest is a must. By using this basic information, you can start slimming down this long list of platforms into only the ones you really need on a day-to-day basis.

Platform Function/Interests
Just as each platform pulls in a different audience, social platforms also have different expectations and tones associated with them. As these social platforms have grown over time, different kinds of interests, content types, and varying levels of professionalism have emerged on each that any poster should be aware of.
While people can always use and communicate about various topics on each platform, here is the most basic “rule of thumb” for each platform:
- Focused primarily on family and friend content and personal life sharing
- Photo and video content can be of “lower quality”
- Focused primarily on aspirational lifestyle content
- Additional focuses on shopping, independent creators, independent/small business, and advocacy
- Photo and video should be high quality and aesthetically pleasing
- Best used for news sharing, discussions, discourse, and idea sharing
- Best used on a personal level for conversation-based posting
- Photo and video content can be of “lower quality”
- Quick, digestible pieces of content that delight, entertain, and provide personal updates
- Used as a form of messaging between friends
- Photo and video content can be of “lower quality”
- Used for all kinds of videos, from funny, to educational, to how-to
- Photo and video content should be well-edited
- Used as a professional networking and job searching tool
- Highly professional in tone and use
- Photo and video content should be of “higher quality”
- Used as an aspirational platform for lifestyle inspiration, shopping, and information sharing
- Crafters, creatives, information seekers, and shoppers converge on Pinterest
- Photo and video content should be “high quality” and visually appealing (like Instagram)
- As a new platform, TikTok is still experiencing shifts and changes in main usage
- Videos can range from memes, to dances, to educational
- Photo and video content should be well-edited
Wow! It’s a lot to go through, but knowing the tone and intent of each platform can help you, again, find the best online space for you and your company. For example, if your company carries a highly professional tone, LinkedIn and even Twitter may be the best platforms for you. If you’re looking to promote aspirational and lifestyle content, you must be on Instagram and Pinterest.
With each aspect of these social spaces you consider, the more you can narrow-in on what you need.

Time Commitment
Finally, time isn’t the first thing many social media articles or mentors will talk about when determining your strategy, but at Eternity, we think it’s an important aspect that should not be overlooked.
Certain social posts take longer than others to create and manage. For example, making a high-quality video (typically) takes longer than taking a quick photo for social. Platforms such as YouTube and TikTok may require more time out of your social creation schedule because on these platforms, there is a higher expectation for quality video content that is well-edited and well-shot. If you don’t have the time to edit videos in your schedule, time-consuming social apps may not be the best fit for you right now.
As a general rule of thumb, here is a quick content creation time commitment scale we use here at Eternity:
Quick Time Commitment Posts
- Reposts/shares
- Text posts
- Blog shares
- Event reminders
- Photo & text post
Medium Time Commitment Posts
- Highly edited photo & text posts
- Graphics/original designs
- Original gifs
- Original Facebook & Instagram stories
High Time Commitment Posts
- Videos (stop motion, edited, how-to, etc)
- Educational Instagram Carousels
- Original animation
- Audio shares
If you don’t have a dedicated staff member who can take the time to make high time commitment content, platforms that are more welcoming to quick photo and text posts such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram may be a great starting point for you and your small business. Knowing what you can commit to social media in your day-to-day will help avoid scheduling conflicts and prevent overloading already packed to-do lists.
That was a lot of information, and there’s even more to consider when actually developing a social strategy. If you need help sorting through it all, our Social Media Content Creator here at Eternity can always help you discover the right path for your business. We’re always ready to chat—and, don’t forget to make sure to connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We’ll see you there!