Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Marketing

Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Marketing

Like with everything else in life, success in digital marketing will most likely depend on how well you do the little things. Digital marketing has greatly evolved from what it was just a few years ago, and as the landscape becomes ever more crowded and competitive you want to make sure you are not shooting yourself in the leg and destroying your own ROI. Here are a few dos and don’ts of digital marketing you want to be mindful of:

Do Invest in a Business Blog

A blog dedicated to communicating your business and its ideals to the world is indispensable in digital marketing, not only for SEO purposes but also because it is a platform you actually own. The last thing you want is to build your digital marketing structures solely on social media platforms where everything could come tumbling down with one algorithm update.

Don’t Sacrifice Quality for Volume

Quality over volume every time. Face it, neither Google nor your customers put much weight on how many blog posts you have on your site. They do care about the quality of what you put out, though. Just so things are clear: consistency is important, but you don’t want to turn people away by spamming them with low quality content just to keep up your numbers.

Do Optimize for Mobile

We live in a mobile first world, and Google has already begun implementing their mobile first index in the search engine results pages. With more and more people using their mobile phones as their primary device for browsing, mobile friendly websites and content are going to be the standard going forward.

SEE ALSO: Mobile First is the Future of Digital

Don’t Forget to Provide a Beautiful Customer Experience

If you ignore this one then your marketing is always going to be a shot in that dark. For a beautiful customer experience, you want to become acquainted with the needs and pain points of your customers and then create a marketing process that answers those needs in the best possible manner. As much as possible, you have to think from the customer’s perspective.

Do Integrate Personalization in Your Customer Journey

Personalization will help you build a connection and make sales. Using first names in emails and communications is a great start, but you can go much further by gathering as much info about your customers as you can so that you deliver a truly personal experience for each of them.

SEE ALSO: Customer Journey Mapping 101

Don’t Ignore Email

Email marketing may sometimes be described as old, but that is just another term for tried and tested. Email marketing still delivers the best ROI among all other digital marketing channels, according to Email Marketing Industry Census 2017.

SEE ALSO: Best Time to Send Email Campaigns

Do Invest in Paid Traffic

Organic traffic should always be in view, but that should not stop you ramping things up and building traction and awareness via pay-per-click (PPC), social media ads, and display ads.

SEE ALSO: Why You Should Be Using PPC Now

Do Optimize for Local and Voice Search

Today not all of your target market will type text into a search box to get what they need. Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, and those who adapt to this by optimizing their websites for voice search, are going to be best positioned to triumph going forward.

SEE ALSO: Hey Siri, How Much of Google Search Will be Via Voice by 2020?

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Professional Help

Digital marketing can be daunting sometimes. Even this short list of dos and don’ts may be a lot to take in for many people. That’s why it is important that you never shy away from asking for professional help. Having an experienced hand lead you will increase your chances of success significantly. At Eternity we take great pride in helping our clients get the leg up they need to succeed online. We understand that every business is different; so give us a call anytime so we can talk about your business and see what it needs to succeed.