Enhance Your Digital Marketing Strategy With Automation

Illustration of a man and robot working together

What do an alarm clock, a coffee machine and an email marketing campaign all have in common?

They can all be automated.

What is Automation?

Automation refers to the use of technology to complete tasks that were previously performed by humans.

In the realm of digital marketing, automation uses pre-programmed rules and algorithms to simplify tasks like sorting data, sending emails or engaging with customers – all while freeing up precious time for digital marketers to create innovative strategies and campaigns.

Ultimately, automation enables digital marketers to reach goals faster and more accurately than ever.

Why Automate?

  • To save time.
  • To free up brain space for more complex tasks.
  • To accomplish our list of to-dos faster and with more efficiency.

All of these reasons strengthen a call for automation.

The echo resounds: We live in complex times with increasing demands on businesses large and small.

However, complexity is not a new issue and automation is not a new phenomenon.

What do today’s technological advancements in automation mean for digital marketing?

In this post, we will discuss 4 opportunities to enhance your digital marketing strategy with automation.

Sneak peek here; read below for more details.

Keep in mind that while automation can feel like a quick and easy solution, an effective and sustainable automation strategy requires:

  • Reflection: reflect on what aspects of your marketing efforts could be automated.
  • Intention: identity your goals for automating said task(s).
  • Experimentation: give automation a try.
  • More reflection: reflect on what worked and what needs improvement; adjust accordingly.

Automate Responses and Workflows with Chat Platforms

You’ve probably seen chatbots popping up across the internet.

And there are great reasons for it!

Chat platforms allow your business to respond promptly to existing and potential customers without needing a huge customer service staff.

Chat platforms like Tidio enable you to easily automate answers and workflows.

These automated responses are particularly helpful for answering your client’s frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Chatbots use machine learning to think, respond and adapt (almost) like a human.

Chatbots are becoming popular because they can save businesses time and resources.

Instead of hiring and training a team of customer service representatives, businesses can rely on chatbots to handle a large volume of customer inquiries and interactions.

This frees human employees to focus on more complex tasks, such as strategic planning and data analysis.

Have you checked out the chat feature on our site yet?

Keep It Personal with Automated Email Marketing Campaigns

We said it back in 2018 and we will say it again: marketing automation is like a second brain.

Don’t be afraid to use it.

Automated email campaigns are a great way to nurture leads and foster loyalty with your customers.

Do you want to directly reach your new subscribers, cart abandoners or loyal customers on their birthdays?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then an email marketing campaign is for you.

With email marketing campaigns, your business can set up welcome emails that are sent automatically to new subscribers, abandoned cart emails that remind your customers of items they left in their shopping cart or send happy birthday wishes to your loyal customers.

Remember, there’s a human reading those automated emails, ready to be delighted by your outreach.

Don’t be afraid to let your creativity flourish.

Implementing best email marketing practices will leverage your impact and increase your return on investment (ROI).

Automate Your Social Media Calendar

It’s no secret that in 2023 having a presence on social media is crucial for a business of any size.

While your business doesn’t need to be on every social media platform, choosing the right channels is important.

Once you’ve chosen the most effective channels to amplify your content, how do you manage posts efficiently?

Automation is your best friend when it comes to managing your posting schedule.

With free social media management tools including Sprout Social and Hootsuite, you can schedule posts in advance and automatically publish them at the most optimal times for engagement.

We know that developing and implementing a social media strategy can feel like a massive task. To diminish your overwhelm, review our 5-Step guide.

Leverage Automation in Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Google says that “among the billions of searches on Google everyday, 15% are queries we’ve never seen.”

Automation helps us keep pace with consumers enabling us to adapt and even anticipate consumer needs.

In practice, PPC platforms like Google Ads have powerful automation features that allow businesses to set up and optimize campaigns more efficiently.

You can use automation to:

  • Streamline keyword research.

  • Perform A/B tests.

  • Adjust bids on keywords.

  • Enable and Pause campaigns, ad groups and ads.

  • Run reports.

Think about it. The less time you spend making manual adjustments to your campaigns, the more time you can spend on analysis and strategy.

While there are ever-increasing opportunities to automate your PPC campaigns, make sure that you choose the most effective method given your desired outcomes and goals.

Closing Thoughts

With automation comes the opportunity to try new tools.

Reflection, intention, experimentation and more reflection are ingredients for the successful implementation of an automation strategy.

Automation complements, rather than replaces, human expertise and creativity.

Want to learn more about how we use our creativity and industry expertise to harness automation best practices and deliver real results?

Contact us today. We would love to hear from you!