How to Get Started with Retargeting

How to Get Started with Retargeting

The fact that 96% of people who come to your website are not ready to buy is enough to keep you up at night. Only 4% are ready to convert the first time they land on your website. Those are not happy numbers. Given all the effort you put in, you want another shot at converting those visitors that got away; and that’s where retargeting comes in.

What is Retargeting?

Retargeting enables you to keep your brand in front of potential customers after they have left your website, convincing them to reconsider your offer when they are in need of it.

Why is Retargeting So Effective?

These campaigns work because they involve using specific ads to target specific visitors who have already shown an interest in your product or service. You can persist beyond what made them opt out of making a purchase on your website so that they can make the purchase when they are ready.

How to Get Started with Retargeting

There are two main platforms on which advertisers and marketers can institute retargeting mechanisms: Google and Facebook.

How Google Retargeting Works

This process is simple and Google advertisers use it to great effect. You add a piece of code called a pixel to your website in order to designate all your website visitors as members of your retargeted audience through browser cookies.

It is also possible to customize pixels for each item you have on sale. For example, if you run an online fishing shop you can create a pixel to retarget people who have viewed “fishing poles”. Highly targeted ads like these are more relevant and have lower cost-per-click.

Retargeting on Google also allows you to target visitors based on their behavior. For example, did they put the item in the cart before clicking away? Are they a first-time visitor or a returning one? Segments like these are very relevant and useful for retargeting campaigns.

How Facebook Retargeting Works

Facebook retargeting is by and large the same as Google retargeting. You put a pixel on your website and it anonymously tracks the visitor.

The main difference with Facebook retargeting is that the ads show up on the right sidebar where the newsfeed was. For potential customers to see your ads, they have to be on the platform. But this is by no means a limitation since Facebook boasts of 2 billion users, 1.3 billion of whom log in daily. Your customers are going to log onto Facebook undoubtedly and when they do your ad will be waiting for them.


Retargeting could potentially be one of the most useful tools in your marketing toolbox. But like all things marketing, it requires creativity, strategy, testing, and know-how. It pays to ask for outside help should you need to. Reach out to us here at Eternity to hear more about the massive benefits and return that you retargeting can offer your business. We would love to hear you talk about your business and how we can be of help.