How to Increase the Brand Value of Your Website

How to Increase the Brand Value of Your Website

With the world of the web constantly evolving, it is important to continue to build a brand value that consumers will remember a level of awareness that will attract new customers. Doing so, will give you an advantage and allow you to have a competitive edge when being compared to your competitors.

Perhaps your advertising budget is minimal and you are having a hard time creating value without a comfortable spend. You can still create value for your brand by remaining consistent and following these fifteen recommendations.

Utilize the simplicity of storytelling, and encourage your customers to hear your story and to listen to your story. Take advantage of the fact that storytelling is becoming a popular form of marketing, and use the human-touch to build meaningful and lasting relationships with your consumers.

Tell Your Story

If you are just starting out, and even if you have been in business for over 20 years, it is important to tell your story. Tell your consumers how you company came to be, and where you plan to be in the next few years. Be transparent with your customers and keep them up to date, because it will allow them to be involved with your brand a revel in the success with you.

Ask For Reviews

Over 90% of consumers will read reviews before purchasing a product or service. This is why you should be constantly encouraging your customers to leave your a review. It allows consumers to know your strengths and weaknesses, and it also allows your business to make adjustments in order to better accommodate.

Let your customers build your brand value from their personal experiences!

Create an Email List

It is harder and more expensive to gain a new customer than it is to sell to an existing one. This should be considered at all times throughout your marketing efforts. Your customer email list will be the most valuable asset to your business.

By providing valuable content in exchange for contact information, you are steadily building an email list that adds value to your brand.

Take Advantage of Community Outreach

Do NOT be afraid to get out and be active within your community. Whether you are sponsoring a local event, or simply attending and networking at events throughout your area, it is important to get your brand and business name out into your community.

We recommend joining some community pages on social media, and taking part in all the activities that are happening.

Outsource What You Can

As our Founder Mike Lannen knows best, an owner is often forced to wear many hats. This makes it difficult for your business to effectively create digital marketing campaigns that will be successful. Instead, we encourage outsourcing some tasks.

Hiring someone with the proper skill set can truly pay off in the long run, because it allows you to focus on running your business and handling the day to day marketing activities.

Create Content That Matters

Focus on creating content that matters, specifically content that your audience will engage with. For example, you likely want your content to encourage your audience to pursue a Call-To-Action such as visiting your website or submitting a contact form. When you produce quality content, you are positioning your brand as the trusted voice in your industry.

Quality content typically includes relevant content. This leads to a broader reach, with more credibility within your industry. Those viewers will see your brand as a valuable resource in the future.

Invest in Social Media

You will NOT regret investing time and money into social media. Almost all consumers can be found across multiple social media platforms, making it a great way for your brand to engage with your audience.

However, social media should be used delicately. Be cautious about the message you are sending across your social media platforms, and be aware that there is a tremendous amount of information and noise on social media, making it easy for your message to be lost.

Focus on Customer Service

Your business and brand should consistently focus on customer service. Oftentimes, this involves receiving feedback from your consumers and altering your customer service experience in order to better accommodate their needs.

By treating your customers with the care and respect they deserve, you are helping them resolve whatever issues they were having or might have in the future.

Embrace Video

Now is the time to try out video creation, and increase your brand value by staying current with marketing trends on social media and the web. When you provide quality video that is simple to process and doesn't require a huge budget, you are providing value to the end user and investing in marketing efforts that work.

Do NOT worry about creating video content that is at a professional level, but focus on creating a video that is informational, such as a how to or a product unboxing.

Consistent Design

Keep things consistent when it comes to the visual elements of your social media posts. Use the same frames, line weights, logos and fonts throughout each of your posts, allowing your layout to be familiar to the end user.

Your message is more likely to stand out if your end user associates a social media post with your brand. It will be seen as recognizable, making it easier for your audience to find the Call-To-Action that they are searching for.

Canva is a wonderful tool that can be used to create templates for posts, allowing you to save time on content creation.

Social Media Engagement

Do NOT just simply have an existing Facebook page and Instagram account. You will need to actually engage with your followers. Consumers are more likely to recognize your brand if they have engaged with you online.

Nowadays, companies are using social media as an extension of their customer service department. This is due to the fact that consumers will often leave reviews through social media platforms, making it easier for customer service departments to respond quickly. By responding on-time and handling a customer complaint, you are showing your audience that you care.

Case Study Examples

Case studies offer a lot of potential as a strategic tool, and has the ability to keep your readers interested in your brand. Provide a snippet or taser on a specific case study and encourage your reader to provide contact information in exchange for the entire story.

This creates another advantage, which is an extensive email list that can be used for other marketing efforts. By using case studies to increase your brand value, you are gaining more leads, gearing toward a prosperous future.

Live Video

Live-streaming video is becoming the new normal. It is a fantastic way for your audience to engage with your brand, and it offers a real, exclusive feel. This makes it easier for your audience to trust you, and to easily relate to you. Many loyal customers will engage with you, and some will be right there with you each time you go live.

Oftentimes, live-streaming is used for Q&A. This gives you the opportunity to collect customer feedback and learn what your customer concerns are. From here, you can make adjustments internally and alter the customer experience.

Show Up On Podcasts & Local Media

Founder Mike Lannen is known for this! When you are featured on someone else's platform, it can help you get your message out to a wider and different audience. Your audience will see you as the expert in your industry, encouraging them to trust you early on. In addition, if you are working with a familiar news or media outlet, consumers are more likely to trust your brand.

Being featured on a podcast, or doing an Instagram Takeover is not as hard as you think. These outlets and platforms guests to easily hop on and tell their story, while informing the audience and avoiding information overload.

Calculate the Value of SEO Efforts

Having a solid SEO strategy in place is becoming more and more important in the digital marketing realm. It allows you to achieve results, by seeing what value each keyword has with search engines such as Google. This is called pay per click (PPC) and it is when search engines charge you to run an add, ultimately adding value to your brand.