How to Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Business

How to Use LinkedIn to Grow Your Business

LinkedIn has over 560 million users and is one of the most powerful social media platforms on the Internet. As an advantage for Eternity, it is also one of the best platforms for B2B marketers to advertise on. 

At Eternity, we market our business to non-profit organizations, hospitality, tourism, as well as other businesses throughout New England. By advertising on LinkedIn, we gain access to existing and prospective customers while also connecting with decision-makers in an array of industries. 

Whether you are looking to test customer feedback or are trying to increase your sales efficiency, here are eight LinkedIn lessons that will help you grow your business:

Optimize Your Profile 

Begin by optimizing your profile, not only for search but to turn your profile views into leads. If someone is searching for someone with your skills, you want them to be able to find you. Provide profile visitors with a quality heading, summary and media examples. 

Profile Heading:

Your heading is like your sales pitch and should include words you want to be found for. You might even consider adding a call to action. 

Profile Summary:

With the proper use of keywords, your summary should promote your biggest achievements. Tell people why you do what you do, or about your career thus far. 

Profile Media:

Whether you have crafted a blog, built a website or launched an app, LinkedIn allows you to showcase your work within your profile. 

Use LinkedIn’s Publishing Tool

By utilizing the LinkedIn Publishing Tool, you have the opportunity to expand your network and position yourself as a thought leader to drive leads. Consider the content you post online and ensure that your blogs add value. You may decide to add your own short bio at the bottom to let people know more about you. The overarching goal is to produce likes, comments, and shares. Not only will this expand your network, but it will also get outside connections to subscribe to your posts. 

Spark Discussion

If one of your connections posts about a topic in your industry or an area of expertise, leave an insightful comment that adds value to a conversation. LinkedIn is a hub for lively discussion involving various industries, working cultures, and productivity. Leverage this and promote yourself to a wider audience than just your current network.

Leverage Groups

LinkedIn Groups are similar to networking events, except they are only online and always on. Join groups to your relevant industry and expertise, and watch your LinkedIn connections grow. Some of these groups will have potential customers. When you join the group you have the ability to direct message anyone in the group. This allows you to target an individual who is not a direct connection but is a potential customer. 

Use Advanced Search

The search feature on LinkedIn allows you to find people and companies based on industry, location, past employer and education provider. With LinkedIn Premium you can advance your search and better target people and companies. You also have the ability to save a search. For example, you could search your target market, save the search and then have LinkedIn notify you when new people match your search criteria. This is a great way to build your database of potential leads. 

Make Quality Connections

Before you send someone a connection request, make sure they are legit. Check their profile and look for a professional photo, at least 150 connections and a summary of their career history. In addition, connecting with people who have a higher number of LinkedIn connections will allow you to expand your network. 

Don’t Stop at a Connection

Once someone has accepted your invitation to connect, do not wait for them to reach out to you. Ask your potential customer if they have time for an initial phone call or meeting to discuss any opportunities going forward. Alternatively, if you are the one who sends a LinkedIn request, you are expected to follow up and take the next steps. 

Look To Help

Don’t just look to sell a product by getting in touch with a potential buyer. Find other ways to help them! Get in contact with one of your connections or offer them advice if you both have experience in a similar industry. You will make more meaningful connections by finding ways to help your connections.