Marketing Automation is Like a Second Brain

Marketing Automation is Like a Second Brain

Let’s face it: it can be frustrating to have to repeat the same task over and over again. It sucks the life out of you and exorcizes any passion you originally had for the task at hand.

Repetitive tasks have a way of tying you down and restricting you to working in your business rather than on it.

That’s why automation is so important.

By automating crucial components of your business like marketing, you free yourself up to attend to other parts of your business that are important to its growth. And you save your sanity in the process.

In the case of email marketing automation, with a too like Mailchimp, you can free yourself from having to keep looking over your shoulder to make sure that the right content gets to the right people at the right time.

It’s like having a second brain dedicated towards marketing while you tend to other parts of your business.

Here’s How it Works:

  • You set up a set of triggers or pre-defined conditions which, once a prospect meets, trigger an automated campaign. For example, you can send an automated follow up message once someone makes a first-time purchase on your store.
  • You can set up a series of automated messages aimed at a pre-defined audience that will be sent following the schedule you define.

Connect with Your Customers and Prospects like Never Before

Based on who your audience is, many things become possible with automation:

  • You can make a powerful first impression with first-time customers by sending follow up messages like thank you emails and other resources that introduce them to your business and which you believe they may find helpful.
  • You can nurture your relationship with your existing customers by sending them personal messages like birthday wishes and other anniversary wishes. Let them know that you care.
  • You can remind prospects about abandoned carts and nudge them towards completing the checkout process, and after that you can ask for feedback on how to make the checkout process as seamless as possible to avoid more abandoned carts in the future.
  • You can increase the ROI of your campaigns by following up purchases with product recommendations.
  • You can boost loyalty by automatically sending thank you messages to first-time customers and automating special offers like coupons to your best customers.
  • You can stay on top of the conversation by automatically responding to subscriber updates such as when somebody joins or leaves your list. In the first case you could give a heads up about all the content that they are going to enjoy, while in the second case you can offer suggestions on other interesting groups they might like, and also receive some feedback about their experience with you.

And you can achieve all this, while totally focused on other activities you find important.

Ready to talk about marketing automation? Give us a call today.