Part 1: Having A User-Friendly Website During COVID-19

Part 1: Having A User-Friendly Website During COVID-19

There is no time like the present. But seriously, now is the time to have a user-friendly website. Every e-commerce business in the world is competing with one another to provide the best user experience, and your business is no different. 

Do a quick self-check-in with yourself. Is your company website user-friendly and easy to navigate?

If it is not, you have some explaining to do. No, but seriously, you should probably change that.

If you want to increase sales and generate leads during an economic downturn, having a user-friendly website is the best way to do it.

Here are 5 major benefits to having a user-friendly website, whether it is during COVID-19 or after.

Increased Activity On Your Page

The first and foremost benefit to having a website that is user friendly is it will increase the activity on your website, leading to more potential users that will convert. Once you develop and design a website that is user friendly, you will quickly notice a major increase in the number of visitors who are visiting your website.

If your website is seen as unattractive or makes it hard for visitors to find what they are looking for, the user is not likely to put in the extra effort to click around throughout the website. Instead, you want your website visitors to visit your website, click throughout the different pages, read the content, find what they are looking for, and register for your newsletter if you offer that option.

Ultimately, your website should engage your user's interest as soon as he or she visits a landing page. 

Easier To Convert Leads Into Sales

Hopefully, after noticing an increase in activity on your new and improved user-friendly website, you will also see an increase in sales. Having a user-friendly website commonly converts leads to sales, almost effortlessly.

If you are looking for prospective clients or customers to become existing clients or customers, you will want them to click the purchase or register button. In order to make this happen, your website needs to be compelling and easy for the user to reach your desired action.

An example includes placing a call now button, registering for newsletters, purchasing a product or service, or simply requesting a quote.

Ultimately, you will see an increase in business profit once you start generating more leads, and these leads will generate more quickly with a user-friendly and accessible website.

The Right Combination Of Visual Images, Content and Other Tools

As previously mentioned, your website visitors will not continue to invest their time on your website if they are not finding what they are looking for.

Consider, for example, that Google led a user to your website based on a high ranking. From there, it is your job to entice the visitor to stay on your website. If however, that visitor finds your website to be boring and unappealing, they will move on to the next website without giving it a second thought.

Once you have created a website design that fits your brand, it will be easy for your website visitors to read the content that is on each page.

Keep in mind that your website is a 24/7 marketing tool that will connect your business with your audience. Entice your audience with good quality and sound content, just as you would with any other marketing material. 

In addition, follow your unique path in terms of photos, and include professional photos that will engage your audience.

Save From Future Costs and Long-Term Expenses

Everybody knows that a well-designed website will save on future costs. All business owners dream to earn more profits while spending less money. This is a possibility if you have a website that performs well and goes beyond your expectations. You will no longer have to go the extra mile to market your product or service because your website will speak for itself.

Once you make the wise decision to invest your money on a superb website designer and developer, you will save a significant amount of money. This is because a well-crafted website has the power to bring your business through many years of hardships and hurdles.

Ultimately, a user-friendly website will allow you and your business to generate more revenue and improve your business brand. 

Best Way To Market Your Brand

Last but not least, having a user-friendly website is the absolute best way to market your brand and business. Unfortunately, many businesses have not caught onto this, and choose to use traditional marketing techniques to reach their intended audience. Although traditional marketing is still considered beneficial, it is not the most effective form of marketing, nor is it the best way to market your business.

The easiest way to reach your audience is to build a website that offers a user-friendly interface. A website that is designed with the correct color, content, and navigation will yield fruitful results for your business.

In addition, you want your website to be perceived as professional, and a website will define that. Each customer has their own perception when it comes to the term brand, and it just so happens that having a user-friendly website is a commonality.