Part 2: COVID-19 Message To The Public

Part 2: COVID-19 Message To The Public

Truthfully, whether you are an e-commerce business or a restaurant business, you should be displaying a COVID-19 message to the public. Be completely honest and transparent to your customers, let them know how your business is handling the pandemic and what changes in hours or even operation might occur at this point in time.

Perhaps you are completely closed, or your business hours have changed. If you are an e-commerce website, you might even be offering free shipping to your customers. Whatever your new rules might be, your customers need to know.

Displaying your message on your website is your safest bet. It is likely that your customers will visit your website for details or to find your contact information, and if your COVID-19 message is placed at the top of your homepage, it will likely have the effect you were looking for. You could also have a chat pop-up, similar to what is being used on the Eternity website.

For a little insight into what your COVID-19 message should look like, here are some examples to consider for your website.

Amazon COVID-19 Message

“We are giving priority to items that our costumers need the most. You may experience shipping delays. Learn more on our FAQ page.”

Amazon has their COVID-19 message directly at the top of their page, very high above the fold. This is easy to see, and it is a short message, therefore quick to read and process.

eBay COVID-19 Message

“A Message to our community about COVID-19”

“Learn what we are doing to navigate this unprecedented situation.”

eBay also has a message that is short, sweet and to the point. To the right of their message, there is a ‘Read More’ button that leads to an FAQ page, specifically regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Apple COVID-19 Message

“We’re open for you.”

“Our retail stores are closed, but you can buy our products here online and get fast, free delivery. If you need help finding the right product or have a question on your order, chat online with a Specialist or call 1-800-MY-APPLE. For service and support, visit”

Apple has a message that is not as ‘in your face’ because it is not highlighted, and it does not clearly state that it is a C

OVID-19 message. However, it still gets the job done and portrays a general message to the point, located directly at the top of their homepage.

Texas Roadhouse COVID-19 Message

“A Message to Our Loyal Guests From Our Founder”

This message is displayed with a green highlight, ensuring that it is easy to see when you visit the site. When you click on the message, it leads you to a letter that was written by the founder. This a different and unique way of displaying a COVID-19 message, but it still gets the point across.

Timberland Dental COVID-19 Message

“Coronavirus Update”

Displayed on the bottom left of their website, they placed a pop-up that says ‘Coronavirus Update’ and is highlighted in red. It clicks to a landing page with more details about how they are complying with the pandemic at this time. This is another fantastic way to relay your message to the public.

TJ Maxx COVID-19 Message

“We have temporarily stopped taking orders online. Our site is open for browsing, but you cannot buy at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.”

“A Message from TJX Chief Executive Offer and President, Ernie Herrman”

“Our Online Store is Temporary Closed”

“Our hearts are with people around the world who have been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. To do our part to prevent further spread of the virus, we have temporarily closed all of our stores & stopped taking online orders. In the meantime, our site is open for browsing, but you cannot buy at this time.”

“We thank our customers for their loyalty and look forward to serving you again in the future.”

This message is very different from all the others, due to the fact that they have closed their doors completely, online retail included. TJ Maxx made a decision that is considering the safety of their employees, their customers and the world as a whole. We are so thankful for their message and are happy to know that they will return to serve us as soon as the pandemic as passed. 


Unfortunately, some businesses were not prepared for this pandemic and do not have a website to display their COVID-19 message.

This is where social media comes in handy, and can be your message board for the time being. Display your message often in a post, and even create a canva photo that allows you to display your message in your profile photo.

There is no right or wrong way to handle this situation, and if you decide to close your doors and your online store, that is 100% okay. You have to do what you believe is right, and will keep you and your employees safe.

No matter what you decide to do, you must find a way to communicate with the public.