Part 4: Having an Active Blog During COVID-19

Part 4: Having an Active Blog During COVID-19

Do you have a blog? If yes, it is active? If you are already answering yes to both of these questions, you are in great shape. However, if you are answering no to one or both of these questions, you need some assistance and we are here to help.

Communicating with the public is essential at this point in time. We are not allowed to shake hands, give hugs, or be within six feet of each other. Technology remains our way of connecting with one another, and we must take advantage of that.

Reach your audience in whatever way possible, including a blog. Make it personal, and not sales-like. You want to put a personality behind your blog in order to keep them coming back for more.

Here are some of the topics you can discuss:


Where will you travel to when the COVID-19 crisis has been resolved? Write about it from your team’s perspective, and ask your reader some questions that will keep them engaged.


Many people have not had the experience of working from home, therefore they may need some tips and tricks to stay focused and to continue to get work done. Provide them with the knowledge that will help them throughout this process.


This is where e-commerce and retail businesses will thrive, because it is the perfect opportunity to discuss online shopping deals, such as free shipping or 50% off your final purchase. In addition, you can also post how-to videos or free streaming opportunities.


If you are in the finance industry, this is the perfect opportunity to discuss unemployment and budgeting tips with the public. There are many people struggling financially at the moment, and they will likely take all of the advice they can get.


This topic could involve at-home date ideas, software that will help you reconnect with friends (Zoom) and so much more. This will personalize your blog. There are so many different relationships being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and you can help them thrive. 

Health and Fitness

Everyone is making health their priority at the moment, due to the fact that they are stuck at home and finally have the time to do it. This is the perfect opportunity for any business in the health and wellness industry to discuss fitness, nutrition, and even health insurance. 

Although you typically think of physical health, mental health is playing a huge role in society as a whole right now. Consider providing tips for mental health, such as journaling or meditating.

Home and Family

We are all stuck at home with our loved ones. Provide the public with family recipes, cleaning product recommendations, and games to play with the whole family. Keep them on their toes with new recommendations each week, and give them something new to try during the stay home, stay safe order.


If each business takes the time to provide the public with advice, recommendations, and tips and tricks, it is likely that they will remain sane during the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, keep in mind that when a customer chooses your blog to read, they are more likely to come back for more and to buy from you in the future. 

Give the public something to read about, and you will not be disappointed with the results.