Part 5: Having Active Social Media Accounts During COVID-19

Part 5: Having Active Social Media Accounts During COVID-19

Social media has always played an important role in communication with clients and customers. Now more than ever, it is crucial to be actively engaged with your online audience, and that includes social media. Connect with your audience in order to stay in touch, offer discounts, and provide a laugh or two during all of the chaos.

Facebook and Instagram have seen a 40% increase in usage during the COVID-19 pandemic, with views for Instagram Live and Facebook Live doubling in one week. Although people are clearly spending more time on social media, they are using it differently and we should be taking that into consideration as we develop a new social media strategy.

You are probably asking yourself “What should I be posting on social media?” and we are here to help. Keep reading if you are interested in learning more about new tips and tricks regarding the content you should be posting.

A New Social Media Strategy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Listen and Acknowledge

The first thing to take into account is the sole fact that COVID-19 should not be ignored. Everything is NOT normal, and if you act as such, it will come across as inauthentic. Ensure that your followers know you are listening and acknowledging our new normal.

You can choose to forgo all promotions, or you can simply tell your followers that you know it is a strange time to promote something right now, but the business must go on and you will be offering a discount or free shipping during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keep Posting

Do NOT worry about posting too much. In fact, we recommend that you post often and post regularly. Your followers are more active than ever before, and you want to stay connected to them. If you are unable to market or sell products or services right now, focus on sharing your brand values instead.

Focus on the copy in your captions, make it alluring and engaging but also ensure that it provides context regarding what you were posting weeks ago. For example, if you are an e-commerce business who sells clothing, perhaps you should be promoting swimsuits or summer attire with captions that say “daydream about your dream vacation” rather than “book your flight and get out and about” because traveling is a no-go at the moment.

Be Empathetic

COVID-19 pandemic is affecting everyone in different ways. Be considerate when coming up with a content strategy, and have empathy for your followers. Offer compassion, and think twice before posting memes.

You do not necessarily have to mention COVID-19 in every single social media post, but you should take into consideration the tone of your captions and how it might be interpreted by your followers. Some of your followers have lost their jobs, are in the process of caring for a loved one, or are sick themselves.

Provide Organic Value

Your Instagram should be used as a valuable resource for your audience at this point in time. Focus on engagement, rather than driving traffic. You can do this by providing additional education through videos, carousel posts, or captions.

Now more than ever, your content strategy should shift to providing value and education, rather than driving traffic and that involves removing the constant need for your followers to swipe up or click the link in your bio.

For example, instead of having your followers click to read a blog post, summarize the blog post in a social media caption and make it easily accessible.

Ask for Help

We are all struggling in some way, shape, or form. Do not be afraid to ask for help and lean on your community. Get vulnerable in your content, share your story, and communicate clearly about how your followers can support your business right now.

This could be as simple as asking your followers to purchase gift cards, donate to a charity or cause, or perhaps donate to your business.

We are all in this together, and we must help one another during this difficult time.

3 Options for Social Media Posts During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Now that we have gone through a new approach to your content strategy, we will help you come up with social media posts that best represent the status of your business at this point in time.

Option 1: Open for business and hustling

If you are one of the lucky businesses and you are open for business, you are probably working hard to survive and keep business steady right now. This is a great time to share content with the goal of getting sales through social media.

Option 2: Closed until further notice

We apologize if your business is closed due to the COVID-19 crisis, and we want to help you maintain a content strategy that will allow you to pick up where you left off before the pandemic. Stay in touch with your existing followers, so that you can stay top-of-mind when they are able to use your services or book an experience when all of this is over.

For example, if you are a hard dresser or florist, we recommend staying active on social media for the sake of your business once everything returns to normal. Some businesses that are in this position are taking an educational approach, and creating tutorial content with a step-by-step approach to various topics.

Option 3: Business as usual

Perhaps you are one of the lucky businesses that have remained in business during the COVID-19 crisis. If your business is in this position, you are in a healthy position to create content with the goal of awareness.

Now is the time to use a slower time to invest in growing your business or brand, rather than your bottom line. If you haven’t already started a YouTube channel or an IGTV series, now is the time.