Remarketing: Why You Can’t Survive Without It

Remarketing: Why You Can’t Survive Without It

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing allows you to deliver ads directly to people who have visited your website. Whether these people bought something during their visit to your site or not, they will start seeing your ads in relevant places all over the internet.

And this is important.

Remarketing allows your business to stay on top of the mind of those who have shown an interest by visiting your site. The truth is the majority of people who visit your website are not ready to buy yet, and will leave without making any purchase, never to comeback.

Remarketing allows you to reconnect with existing and potential customers as they attend to other things online. And as they keep encountering your ads in relevant places, they are likely to click on it once they have made up their minds about a purchase decision.

When done right, this strategy has been known to deliver increased sales in the long run—sometimes, at a lower cost per conversion than a regular ad campaign.

How Does Remarketing Work?

Remarketing is easy to set up on your website and implement.

You simply place what is known as a remarketing tag on specific pages on your website. You can place this tag on all pages on your website, but it is more common to have remarketing tags placed on product pages and service pages.

Imagine you have a product or service that is not likely to be bought on the first visit, or a product in a highly competitive market where potential customers are likely to carry out a prolonged research. It would be wise to place a remarketing tag on these product pages so that your business stays at the top of the potential customer’s mind after they have left your website.

Once a visitor lands on a page with a remarketing tag, a cookie is left in their browser. If that visitor leaves without making a purchase, the cookie will begin triggering your targeted ads through the channels such as Google Display Network as they visit other relevant websites or Facebook Ads when they are scrolling through their feed.

Remarketing gives you a good deal of control in that you can customize your ads, how they are triggered, where your remarketing tags are placed, define who you want to target, and how you target them.

The Benefits of Remarketing

Remarketing can turn a casual visitor into a paying customer. But that is not the only benefit of this strategy.

  • It is cost effective and budget friendly, meaning that even small businesses can use it to benefit their business.

  • It comes with a lower cost per impression because your business won’t be competing for keyword placement in a Google search. Remarketing merely targets those who have been to your website—a market all your own.

  • You can also be very specific and targeted with the ads you dish out. For example, you can send one ad to someone who abandoned a cart, and another to someone who spent a lengthy amount of time on a particular page.

  • Remarketing is data driven, just like pay-per-click. After a while you can get hard data on how your ads are performing on desktop and mobile, and this information can help you improve your campaigns as you go forward.

Remarketing may be annoying to the some users, but it remains a marketers best friend. If you find the ideas above a little too much to handle on your own, reach out and talk to us. We would love to know how we can help.