The Importance of Printed Marketing Materials

The Importance of Printed Marketing Materials

In this digital age where a business can realistically exist or market itself solely online and still thrive, one would be forgiven for thinking that print materials are no longer necessary--or at the very least can promise little ROI.

But the studies and stats show print materials are not on the way out anytime soon.

  • 46% of internet users in the United States agree that they only read printed books. (“Do Readers Really Prefer Their Dusty Old Paperbacks To E-Books?Forbes)

  • In 2015, print materials represented 15% of US ad spend by media type. (“Long Live Print…in an Omnichannel Marketing Plan,” ClickZ)

  • 56% of all consumers trust print marketing most among all advertising methods. (“Print Marketing Is Still Not Dead,” AllBusiness Networks)

  • A whopping 70% of Americans say that they find direct mail advertising more personal than online ads. (“Print Marketing Is Still Not Dead,” AllBusiness Networks)

  • More than 75% (3 out of 4) businesses use a mix of print and online marketing materials for their campaigns. This strategy usually offers the best ROI and attracts the best response rates. (“Print Marketing Is Still Not Dead,” AllBusiness Networks)

  • 56% of postcards are read by recipients, making them the most successful direct mail piece in terms of getting read. (2014 DMA Fact Book)

  • 2.9 billion direct mail coupons were redeemed by customers in 2013. (2014 DMA Fact Book)

  • Studies have shown that the average reader of a branded magazine spends up to 20 to 25 minutes reading it. This differs from the internet where you can hope for two or three minutes before readers move on. “So if you’re looking for engagement, a custom magazine can get you 25 minutes.” “Digital-First Content Marketing: The Return Of Print!” (CMO by Adobe)

  • Statistics testify that direct mail is still holding its own when it comes to return on investment. In fact, one recent DMA study found that for every $1 spent on direct mail, the return was $12.57 in sales. (“Fine Print: Direct mail marketing is far from a dead letter,” In Business magazine)

People still print stuff they are interested in off the internet so that they can read and better understand it. This is because computer screens cause a “flicker” effect that makes it harder for the brain to assimilate and process information.

In addition to that, if you are targeting certain demographics, print materials promise more returns than digital. For example: 

  • 15% of American adults report that they do not use the internet
  • Only 56% of adults over 65 use a computer at work, school, home, or elsewhere. (Pew Research Center Internet Project Survey, 2014)
  • 66% of adults with a high school education or less use a computer at work, home, or elsewhere.
  • 71% of Hispanics and 77% of African-Americans use a computer at work, school, home, or elsewhere.

Almost half of the adults who report that they do not use the internet say that is the case because they do not think the internet is relevant to them. (“Broadband Technology Fact Sheet,” (Pew Research Center)

Long story short: by ignoring print materials in your marketing mix you could be missing out on massive leads and opportunities to communicate with your audience in a way that is still, clearly, meaningful to them.

So what should you do?

Contact our partner, CW Print + Design in Barre. They can handle everything from business cards to professional trade show displays. Mention this blog post and save 10% on your first order!

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