The Power of Remarketing: 6 Facts that Will Make You Rethink Paid Advertising

The Power of Remarketing: 6 Facts that Will Make You Rethink Paid Advertising

A staggering amount of those who land on your website—about 96%—are not ready to buy yet. 

But don't worry; you can capture a lot of those lost leads with remarketing.

With Google remarketing, you can target people that have visited your website. You can tag strategic pages on your website that you want to target, for example, a product page, and people who land on them will see your remarketing advertisements when next they surf the internet or browse pages that are within the Google Display Network.

And there are many benefits that go with this practice. Apart from the fact that it is cost-effective, remarketing is great for branding, promises high returns, and better conversion rates.

Here are 6 more interesting facts about remarketing that you should know:

1. Remarketing Conversion Rates Improve As Time Goes On

With advertising, there is always the fear that if you show your ad too many times then your potential customers will start to hate you. Well, you don’t have to worry about this with remarketing.

Conversion rates actually tend to increase when users keep seeing an ad within a remarketing campaign. Those who click on remarketing ads are twice as likely to convert.

It’s not hard to understand why this happens; remarketing simply nudges people as they go about their busy lives, asking to finish what they had already started. That being said you should always consider setting what is called a frequency cap to limit the number of times an ad is seen per day by a given user.

2. Google Display Network and Facebook Have the Widest Reach

For the best returns on your remarketing, you have to turn to Google and Facebook.

Google Display Network reaches 90% of internet users worldwide. 65% of that 90% is reached every single day. According to Google, over a trillion impressions are given to over a billion users each month.

Facebook, on the other hand, has 1.4 billion users, and 1 billion of these log in every single day.

When used together you truly can make an impression!

3. Remarketing Can Supercharge Your Branding Efforts

You need logos, great messaging, and lots of visuals to properly build a brand. It’s difficult to get that with organic listings and short text ads. Display remarketing ads, on the other hand, are perfect for the job. If you want people to remember you after they leave your site, use remarketing.

4. Remarketing Perfects Customer Relationship Optimization

With the rise of mobile and interconnected devices, you can no longer expect your relationship with your customers to always grow in the sequence: impressions-clicks-convert. Today a customer could enter your funnel at any stage and remarketing allows you to adapt your funnel effectively. Even as they cross devices!

5. Search Ads Have the Highest Conversion Rate but Display Ads Also Do Well

The gap in conversion rates that lies between display ads and search ads is decreasing. A few years ago, display ads performed terribly, but today, thanks to remarketing and improvements in technology, they do as well or even outperform search ads in some cases when set up properly.

6. Remarketing Is Not Limited to Only Social and Display

Remarketing is not limited to only social and display. You also have Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) that compiles search intent with user-relevant data like device, time of the search, in addition to browsing history for you to use for your campaigns.

Remarketing remains an essential part of paid search, one that makes everything come together nicely. You never have to worry about your potential customers not remembering you or virtually walking away from you.

If you'd like to chat about how remarketing could work for you, I would love to connect!