Top 5 Ways To Get A Return On Your Website

Top 5 Ways To Get A Return On Your Website

Receiving a return on your investment is always a goal no matter what the medium. At Eternity, it is our number one priority with every project we take on. From the list of navigation to the layout of design, to the color of buttons, they are all focused on turning our clients website visitors into customers. We have created a quick top 5 list of items you should focus on with any website project to ensure that return.


Having well thought out ‘keywords’ in your website's text content will allow search engines like Google to rank you higher for specific searches. This will help users find your website more easily, and bring some extra traffic your way. In most cases, the content on each page should be concise and to the point; having large bodies of text can scare users away. A blog or news section on your website is a fantastic way to attract search engines as well as engage viewers. We recommend posting to a blog at least two times per month to grab the attention of Google.

Target Audience

Make sure your site is targeted towards your clients & targeted audience. It is important to understand the difference between a ‘new’ user and a ‘returning’ user. The majority of ‘new’ users will find your website in one of three ways: a search engine, a link from another website, or a social media post. Returning users have visited your site before, and either saved it due to something you provided them, or found you through search engines. Knowing the difference between each type of user will help you provide useful content to them; keeping them happy.

Prioritizing Usability

Studies today show that you have 8 seconds on average to provide the content that your target audience is looking for. If you fail to do so, the user will leave your website and likely find another source. A simple example of this is providing the menu and phone number of your restaurant above the fold, as this is the content most of your targeted audience is looking for.

Mobile Responsive

According to a study conducted in 2015, 64% of Americans own and use a smartphone daily, and that was 1 year ago. This means that a large margin of your target audience visits your website using a smaller screen. It is imperative to have a mobile responsive website to cater your specific audience. If you do not, you risk losing those potential customers to a competitor.


Providing social content for your users keeps them engaged and draws more attention to your website. This can be accomplished with a simple blog, newsletter, or social feed (instagram/facebook/etc.) and a few posts a month. This activity will help your search engine ranking, as well as attract some new users.

We are always looking to discuss how we can help better turn your website into an investment, rather than an expense. Our helpful crew is on call at 802-865-2000 or start a chat via email.

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