What Website Layouts Are Trending In 2020

What Website Layouts Are Trending In 2020

Website designs are constantly evolving and adapting to new trends and desires. So far in 2020, we are seeing an immense amount of technical possibilities as well as designers playing with extremes, reinventing previous styles, and experimenting with new techniques.

Although there will always be some popular styles that just don’t go away, 2020 is here and it is time to start thinking about reinventing the wheel and redesigning your website in order to fit the new era. There are many new demands and options, each one needs to be met with precision. 

Luckily, our team at Eternity can help you with that.

So, perhaps you are asking yourself what exactly the new 2020 web design trends are. We are here to expose you to the latest and greatest web design trends, revealed by the top designers in the community.

Dark Mode

The dark mode is so hot right now! This is enabled for users in order to make design elements stand out more, creating a higher contrast ratio with the use of other colors. Dark mode web designs look ultra-modern, but they are easy on the eyes and make colors and design elements pop.

Oftentimes, the most visually appealing web designs have practical beginnings. Dark themes are better for OLED screens and they save power and extend screen lifespans, but it does not stop them from looking stellar.

Oversized Lettering

Oversized lettering and bold typography are gaining popularity in 2020. As website owners strive to make web designs simple, they lean toward typography. Huge typography has some vivid benefits, including you can draw attention to your brand name or business objective by displaying it in a large type on the main page of your website. 

In addition, website visitors will not forget what was written in bold and are more likely to come back to your platform when searching for your product or service.

3D Design

Another trending website design in 2020 is 3D elements. 3D visuals have always been popular among some website owners, but previously the technology was not there, and the price tag was a bit too expensive for most. Nowadays, the technology is in place and you can design in 3D without NASA-tier equipment, opening the gates to more and more designers.

Eventually, we are anticipating VR to be more mainstream and cost-effective. In the meantime, a realistic 3D design is the best way to create an immersive experience for your website. As 2020 unfolds, we expect to see more immersive 3D web designs that draw users in and visually break down the boundaries between digital space and reality.

Asymmetric Layouts

The majority of existing websites are grid-based. The grid is made of imaginary lines that determine the layout elements on the page and help them stay in place. Website owners who want to be unique typically start implementing a broken grid technique and place design elements chaotically. This specific technique makes websites look more creative and will be the top web design trend for 2020.

Ultra Minimalist Navigation

There are many wearable devices such as smartwatches, making web design in general much smaller. The area most affected by this is navigation, the glue that holds the entire website together. Over the last few years, navigation has been getting more and more simple. This is to accommodate extremely small devices and attention spans.

In addition, minimalist navigation takes away much of the difficulty that comes with usability. The less a user has to think about moving around, the more time they spend immersed in the website. At the same time, imagery is becoming more important, making large-scale photos and videos are your chance to steal the show.

Voice User Interface

Voice commands are growing more and more necessary. Voice user interface (VUI) makes this possible by allowing users to interact with a website through voice commands. Although it is not strictly related to design, it will add usability and functionality to your website and ensure that all website elements are accessible for people with disabilities.

Solid Frames of White Space

In 2020, we have noticed that web designers are migrating toward using solid structures and playing with different ways to use a lot of white space (and space of any color) to give their designs more structure and make use of clean framing. This allows their designs to be stable.

We can now expect to see wide frames of white space that provide a solid structure. This enables each element on the page to have a generous amount of space. Framing creates the perfect foundation for making visual elements shine. A structured frame around a website also creates a satisfying sense of order and helps to prioritize and separate all the different parts of a page.

Parallax Web Design

This 2020 trend originally came from video games. The parallax scrolling technique is growing more and more popular, and we will see it prevail in 2020. Its secret lies in the background that moves at different speeds during the web page scrolling. Ultimately, it creates an appealing pseudo-3D effect.

Full-Screen Forms

Online forms play an integral role in so many of our web interactions. Whether it is signing up to a service, filling out delivery information for an online store, or finalizing a contact form. At times, these forms feel tedious and users often refrain from filling them out.

Believe it or not, the simple act of expanding a form so that it takes up more room on the page will make it more inviting to interact with. As a result, fullscreen forms can help improve user experience.

Split Content

When you choose to split content on your website, you can showcase more than one important message at a time on a single page. This technique is an important trend for 2020 and it also makes your website look more appealing and well-organized. It should be highly considered for your new and improved website going into the new era.