A Time To Heal supplies Chinese and Western herbs, and related supplies, to licensed Veterinary practitioners in the United States. They are also the sole US distributors of Natural Path Herbs, developed by Dr. Steve Marsden.
A Time To Heal Herbs

Our role
Eternity delivered a private and custom e-commerce system for their certified veterinarian clients. Each client must sign-up for an approved account in order to gain access to the products. In addition, we crafted a customized search and filter system that makes it easy to find the products based on specific needs.
Eternity helped us to finally make our new webstore a reality. Eternity Marketing helped us finally achieve our goal of replacing our old (Perl-based) webstore with a custom designed, 21st century webstore. Along the way, we learned just how hard it is to build a good webstore. I don’t recommend going it alone. Mike and the Eternity crew are good design partners. We are very happy with our final storefront. Our customers love it! Why? It's absolutely beautiful, for one and it's easy for us to now manage our own content and inventory. It's been a huge step forward for us as a company.
Therese Fafard
A Time To Heal Herbs