The Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity addresses fundamental issues of economic, social, and racial justice and works with people to achieve economic independence. They provide individuals and families (25,000 individuals every year) with the basic needs of food, fuel and housing support in times of hardship, and they help them acquire the necessary education, financial skills and assets to build a stable future in which they thrive.

CVOEO Homepage

Eternity collaborating to allow CVOEO to communicate their message to a diverse audience while also help to organize their resources. A custom calendar was specifically coded for use of events throughout the community. We also built a section to highlight workshops and classes. 

Donations were integrated with NetworkforGood. A language translation option allows users to update the content to their native language. We also partnered with with Storyworkz for photography and videography.


Performing an ADA audit takes time, but allows us to identify problematic parts of the website. We apply solutions to these identified areas throughout the website while referencing the WCAG guidelines and account for Level AA compliance standards.

We're proud to say that CVOEO now has a Level AA compliance rated website! To learn more about ADA, please visit our accessibility page.




This custom calendar has filters to ....

CVOEO calendar
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