Let's Grow Kids

Let's Grow Kids has made it their mission to ensure affordable access to high-quality child care for all Vermont families by 2025. Their vision is to make Vermont is the BEST place to raise a family.

Let's Grow Kids

Let's Grow Kids was a fun project to work on because they wanted to utilize the full range of available web animations and effects, and boy did they! Each page not only offers relevant, helpful, information but also showcases unique layouts that are featured in bright, eye-catching, colors.



Find Your Representatives

We built a system to locate your local, and national, representatives based on geolocation.

Let's Grow Kids

Find Your Representatives

Once found, your representatives are displayed and you're given the option of selecting as many as you want, and sending a message sharing your concern for the current state of quality child care. It's a very robust system that allows a single message to be delivered to dozens of people in a simple, convenient, way.

Let's Grow Kids

Action Team Finder

We built an interactive Vermont map to help find Action Teams based on locations convienitent to you.

Let's Grow Kids
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