They're on a mission to make a difference. Their goal is to empower and partner with individuals and communities to alleviate the hardships of poverty, provide opportunities for thriving and eliminate the root causes of poverty in southeastern Vermont.

Our role
Eternity partnered with SEVCA in their website redesign, infusing it with renewed energy and a fresh, vibrant look. Our redesign efforts focused on restructured navigation, enhancing user accessibility and streamlining their online experience.
Our team also played a pivotal role in content refinement. By developing concise, SEO-optimized copy and engaging headlines, we aimed to increase user engagement and boost search engine rankings. In addition, the creation of a unified interactive contact directory for SEVCA's various office locations further streamlined user interactions.
Location & Services Directory
We worked with SEVCA to develop a listing of all the services they provide and in which towns those services can be accessed. Filtering the request results in the exact list of contacts an individual would need to acquire more information about their desired service.