Mike Lannen




An Eagle Scout, Mike is on a mission to make the web a better place. He develops a close relationship with all clients and always has his eye on staff culture and satisfaction. When not at work, he can be found spending time with his wife and playing LEGO with his two daughters. He thrives with being Neurodivergent and having AuDHD (Autism and ADHD).

Meet Mike Lannen

Fun facts about Mike:

  • ⚜️ I am an Eagle Scout
  • 🎓 I am a proud college drop-out
  • 🧠 I thrive with being Neurodivergent and having AuDHD (Autism and ADHD)
  • 🚢 I have a burning desire to live on a Caribbean cruise ship with my Wife Mollie for 1-year at some point in our life during retirement
  • 🧋I make my own cold brew coffee
  • 👽 I love cheesy sci-fi movies
  • 🤖 I enjoy using and programming A.I. tools in my daily life
  • 👻 I originally wanted to be a Ghostbuster when I grew up
Eternity Founder Mike Lannen

Q+A with Mike Lannen

Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Lego. So much Lego. And yes it is “Lego” and not “Legos.” When not in front of a computer screen I am playing Lego with my two daughters Claire and Ella.

What is your favorite quote?
“You Are Never Too Old To Set Another Goal Or To Dream A New Dream.” – C.S. Lewis

What is your favorite Vermont activity?
Outdoor music concerts. They are such an amazing combination of the beautiful weather we have in the Spring and Summer mixed with the fantastic musical talent available to watch. 

Who is your favorite band?
I am not sure I could pick just one favorite band. I view my music style as quite eclectic with loves from Frank Sinatra to 50 Cent.

What is your favorite place that you have visited?
Las Vegas. Even though I do not like gambling and only drink in moderation. The access to infinite art, music and culture, combined with the ability to literally have any experience you want is such a fun combination. There is also an amazing outdoor adventure at every turn that many do not think of when it comes to Vegas.

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
The ability to instantly discover what is stopping someone from becoming their ultimate self and then be able to automagically fix that for them.

What Mike is listening to:

Recent Posts from Mike Lannen

Mike Lannen

In The News

2024: A Year in Review

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Mike Lannen

In The News

Eternity Wins Vermont Business Magazine's Best Website Developer Award 2024

We at Eternity are proud to have again earned the recognition of our peers and colleagues in the Vermont business community by winning the 2024 Vermont Business Magazine Best Website Developer Award!

Mike Lannen

Workplace Culture

8 Keys to a Thriving Business Culture

Discover the eight crucial elements of company culture that can drive continuous improvement and success in your business.

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