Mollie Lannen


Partner & CFO

Mollie handles all aspects of accounting, financial planning and HR. When she is not crunching numbers and keeping a keen eye on the future of Eternity, she runs CW Creative, which handles our printing needs for clients. She likes to spend time with her husband and two daughters.

Meet Mollie Lannen

Fun facts about Mollie:

  • I eliminated the word “busy” in 2016.
  • I had my first business at the age of 12, selling handmade jewelry.
  • I used to perform on stage in community theater
  • I was awarded the SBA Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2011.
  • I have surgically replaced my blood with coffee. Well, getting there...
Eternity CFO Mollie Lannen

Q+A with Mollie Lannen

Do you collect anything? If so, what? 
Trophies. #winning

What is your favorite quote?
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
- Winston Churchill

What is your favorite Vermont activity?

Who is your favorite board game?
Monopoly, even though no one will play with me because I always win. 

What is your favorite place that you have visited?
Las Vegas

What Mollie is listening to:

I don’t listen to Spotify. :-/

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