Shawna Shortsleeve


Operations Specialist

Shawna loves soaking up information and finding new ways to help clients get the most out of their websites and marketing campaigns. When Shawna is not working closely with clients, you can find her relaxing at home reading, spending time with her dog, or playing video games.

Meet Shawna Shortsleeve

Fun facts about Shawna:

  • 🪨 I loved collecting rocks when I was younger, so much so that my grandpa made me a special leather bag to wear to collect my rocks in.
  • 🎮 I love playing video games and I’ve got a full pc setup.
  • 🌻 I have a small obsession with nice glass jars/containers but it pairs well with my ever-growing collection of plants.
  • 🐉 If I could find a way to have a pet dragon, I would.
  • 🎨 I took every single art class available to me in high school and it was always my favorite. Senior year I got to spend 2 hours every afternoon just creating.
Eternity Client Success Specialist Shawna Shortsleeve

Q+A with Shawna Shortsleeve

Do you collect anything? If so, what?
I would say I collect pictures. Moments. Anything I feel is important or maybe only important in that moment, I take a picture and I keep it. 

What is your favorite quote?
“If you look for the light you can often find it. If you look for the dark it is all you will ever see.” - Iroh, Legend of Korra

What is your favorite Vermont activity?
My favorite Vermont specific activity would have to be pumpkin picking because it also pairs with a corn maze, and takes place in the best season. 

Who is your favorite band?
I've got a lot of different types of music I listen to so it's hard to narrow it down but some of my favorites are: Two Steps From Hell, Unlike Pluto, Fall Out Boy, Michael Salvatori, Shania Twain, The Score, Twenty One Pilots, and Gnoss. 

What is your favorite place that you have visited?
Texas Falls, Vermont. Waterfalls in the middle of the woods, good pathways, and moss-covered stone walls and steps. 

If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
The ability to manipulate the probability of something happening. Like what's the probability that one can fly? Well now it's 100% and look man you're flying. OR the ability to shapeshift, to have cool outfits, killer cosplays, and just to mess with people.

What Shawna is listening to:

Recent Posts from Shawna Shortsleeve

Shawna and Mike working together on a laptop in the Eternity headquarters

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