Three More Social Media Accounts We Admire: Instagram Edition

Phone in the grass. A heart is on its screen.

We’re back at it again! Here at Eternity, we truly believe that if you want to make a successful social media strategy for your business, you need to first research what already works.

And what’s the best way to do that research? By looking to your peers in your community.

Last time we shared three accounts who have a fantastic content strategy in terms of post-types, variety, and their usage of user generated content (UGC). This time, we’re focusing on three Instagram accounts who perfectly use their social media to craft their aesthetic, emphasize their brand, and establish their personality.

If you want to learn how to strengthen your own brand image through your social media—and create some really stunning digital content—look no further than these amazing Instagram accounts. They’re doing it absolutely right.

Hand holding a red maple leaf

Baird Farm

A 560-acre operation located in Chittenden, Vermont, Baird Farm is a family-owned farm and maple syrup business. At their shop, you can toss into your cart everything from a gallon of maple syrup to bags of maple sugar.

Not only are their maple products simply outstanding—their social media works perfectly to showcase it.

Screenshots of Baird Farm's Instagram Feed

Baird Farm runs a beautiful Instagram that is not only pleasing to the eye, but works to establish their brand and personality. If you land on their Instagram page right now, you’ll see a feed of photos that follow a distinct visual style: clean, simple, light, and earthy. Because they follow a similar aesthetic with each of their photos (and focus on consistent color pallets), their content flows together in a very pleasing and intentional way. This conscious photo sharing makes their social media feel professional while staying organic—which does wonders for your engagement numbers on a highly visual platform like Instagram.

Beyond the simple beauty of their feed, each of their posts work to firmly establish their brand as a family-owned, Vermont business. Baird Farm posts a fantastic mix of post types, featuring a blend of family photos, shots of the farm, and simple product shots. Through what content they share, Baird Farm establishes their authentic and friendly personality through their social media strategy. This works to strengthen their brand image while also creating trusting bonds with their social audience.

If you want to see an example of how you can be authentic yet intentional with your social media, look no further than Baird Farm for your research.

Bonus: Make sure to take a look at their custom Highlights covers while you’re on their page. They’re the cherry on top of their already amazing Instagram presence.

Two hands holding a gift with a red bow

Scrumptious Secrets

Based in New Jersey (with big ties to Vermont), Scrumptious Secrets is a gift-box service that features artisans who have a connection with and respect for nature. In their boxes, you can find many Vermont-local products, such as cheeses, coffee, and maple treats.

Scrumptious Secrets has carved out a unique identity on Instagram that works in their favor. As we’ve said before, on a highly visual platform like Instagram, posting well-made and well-designed content will increase your engagement in the long run. With their Instagram, Scrumptious Secrets prioritizes professional photography, graphics that stick to their brand colors and fonts, and they use a neutral color pallet across the board. These choices make their social media cohesive and instantly recognizable.

Screenshots of Scrumptious Secrets Instagram Feed

Having instantly recognizable social media content is a fantastic addition to any social media strategy. With increased social brand recognition, your social media works to create not only engaged followers, but brand advocates.

Bonus: If you were to look at Scrumptious Secrets right now, you would see that their Instagram feed follows a grid pattern (it looks a little like a checkers board), a choice some companies make to add that extra professional touch to their feeds. It works to make their feed look conscious and well-thought out, showcasing a sense of caring to their followers (which will help build trust overtime).

If you’re looking for examples of how you can really stylize your content, and even create patterns with your feed, just follow Scrumptious Secrets.

Three marshmallows roasting over a campfire

Nomadic Kitchen

Women-owned and Vermont-based, Nomadic Kitchen is Vermont’s first marshmallow confectionery. We have to be honest—these hand-made marshmallows are extremely tasty (totally not sponsored, but you should absolutely try them).

We admire the marshmallows… and we admire their social media presence. On Instagram, Nomadic Kitchen has created a stunning page. Like the other two accounts, Nomadic focuses on professional photography and a steady color palette (this time utilizing darker earth tones).

Screenshots of Nomadic Kitchen's Instagram Feed

But what we really love about Nomadic’s Instagram is their focus on people-oriented content. Their feed features many photos of their founder, Vermont dogs, and people enjoying their marshmallows. By including people, hands, and faces in their social photos, they really center the personal experience of their marshmallows, making their audience feel a deeper, human connection with the company.

Their photos pull you into a community space—a space you end up wanting to be a part of.

Nomadic is a great example of how the subject of your Instagram photos can shape the way your audience sees and builds a relationship with your social content. If you’re looking for photo inspiration/guidance, Nomadic Kitchen is the feed to look at.

Photo of the beams of a wall being built

Bonus: Allied Building Contractors

We’re adding Allied Building Contractors as a bonus because Allied’s social media accounts are run by our social media professionals here at Eternity. That being said, we wanted to show you an example of how you can still have a stylized/aesthetic Instagram account as, say, a home builder.

Allied’s Instagram takes the elements of all of the other accounts we spoke about—such as professional photography, using Instagram Highlights, applying pops of their brand colors in their feed, etc—and applies it to content based around home building in Central Vermont. Allied posts a blend of well-shot working photos, professional scenic photos of Vermont, and professional shots of their bathrooms, living rooms, kitchens, and the like.

Screenshots of Allied Building Contractor's Instagram Feed

By paying attention to how they blend their photo types, and paying attention to the quality of their photos, Allied creates a beautiful Instagram feed that works to connect with their Vermont audience (even if they are not home building professionals themselves). By focusing on quality, they truly create a broader audience appeal—trust us, just check out their page to see what we mean.

No matter what profession you’re in, there’s always a way to make your Instagram feed aesthetic, cohesive, and brand-focused. Just look to these accounts in your initial research, and use the inspiration you find to get started on your social media journey. Plus, if you’re looking for even more social media tips, you can follow Eternity on Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok for more ideas and insights. Onwards and upwards!