AI Consulting

Feeling AI Anxiety? We’ve Got You Covered.

AI isn’t just the future; it’s now. And with Eternity as your partner, you’re not just adapting to change—you’re driving it. From uncovering hidden potential with AI Audits to equipping your team with the skills needed to succeed through Workshops and Bootcamps, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Ready to elevate your business with AI? Let’s make it happen.

AI Audits

Uncover Hidden Potential

Your business is sitting on a goldmine of untapped data and processes that could be supercharged with the right AI tools. But how do you find these hidden opportunities? Enter Eternity’s AI Audits. Our deep-dive assessments are designed to uncover inefficiencies and identify areas where AI can optimize, automate, and elevate your operations.

  • Why You Need an AI Audit: Most businesses don’t realize the untapped potential of their existing data and workflows. Our audits provide a comprehensive analysis of your current processes, highlighting where AI can add value and drive growth.
  • What’s Included: A full review of your data management practices, operational workflows, customer interactions, and more. We identify high-impact AI use cases tailored to your business.
  • Outcome: A detailed strategic roadmap outlining potential AI applications, estimated ROI and step-by-step implementation guidelines. We don’t just tell you what’s possible—we show you how to make it happen.

AI Workshops

Quick AI Learning Sessions for Immediate Impact

Time is money, and you don’t have a lot of either to waste. That’s why our AI Workshops are perfect for businesses, nonprofits, and the travel and tourism sector looking to get up to speed—fast. These 90-minute sessions, offered in-person or via Zoom, are designed to equip your team with the knowledge and skills they need to start leveraging AI today.

  • What You’ll Learn: From understanding the basics of AI to applying the latest tools in your industry, our workshops cover everything you need to know to hit the ground running.
  • Customized for Your Needs: We tailor each workshop to your specific industry and organizational needs, ensuring that the content is relevant and actionable.
  • Who Should Attend: Business leaders, marketing teams, HR admins, IT professionals and anyone looking to enhance their AI literacy and integrate AI into their daily operations.

AI Bootcamps

Deep Dive into AI Integration

Ready to go beyond the basics? Our intensive 2-day AI Bootcamps are designed for those who want to roll up their sleeves and dive deep into the world of AI. Perfect for businesses, nonprofits, and the travel and tourism industry, these bootcamps provide a hands-on, immersive experience that equips your team with the skills and knowledge needed to implement AI at scale.

  • Day 1 - Understanding AI Applications: Learn about the different AI tools and technologies available, with a focus on practical, real-world applications. Get hands-on with data analytics, machine learning models, and more.
  • Day 2 - Building Your AI Strategy: Develop a comprehensive AI strategy for your business. From data collection to deployment, you’ll leave with a tailored plan ready for immediate implementation.
  • Expert Guidance: Led by Eternity’s AI specialists, our bootcamps are designed to provide not just knowledge, but the confidence to apply it. Walk away with actionable insights, practical skills, and a clear roadmap to AI success.

AI Public Speaker

Elevate Your Conference with Mike Lannen

Looking to elevate your next conference or event? Mike Lannen, founder of Eternity and an experienced public speaker, brings a unique blend of expertise, insight, and charisma to any stage. With a deep understanding of AI, digital marketing, and business strategy, Mike’s talks are designed to inspire, educate, and motivate.

  • Why Book Mike Lannen: With over two decades of experience in digital marketing and AI, Mike offers fresh, engaging perspectives on how businesses can thrive in a rapidly changing digital landscape. His talks are perfect for conferences, industry events, and seminars.
  • Topics Covered: AI in Digital Marketing, Future Trends in AI, Leveraging AI for Businesses, Nonprofits and Travel & Tourism. Mike’s ability to break down complex concepts into digestible, actionable insights makes him a favorite among audiences.
  • Past Engagements: Mike has spoken at numerous conferences nationally, sharing his knowledge and helping organizations understand the practical applications of AI. Learn more about Mike's speaking engagements.