Create new pages
We've designed your website from the ground up to be fully editable by you. Feel free to create new pages, and move them to where you would like them to appear in the navigation.
We do suggest taking advantage of:
Hide From Menus
- prevents new pages from appearing in the main navigation unless desired.Published
- prevents visitors from seeing your new page until you're ready for them too.
Change out photos + text
You can easily upload new photos & swap them out, or update the existing text within a page. We have built-in version control, so if you ever get lost, or delete something that was important, we can get it back for you.
Update your account information
Your login is your login. You can update your name, email, password, and even add a photo if you'd like to.
If you ever have trouble logging in, give us a poke and we can help you out!
Embed videos from YouTube or Vimeo
YouTube and Vimeo provide a great way to embed videos into your pages. If you have a video you'd like to put into your website, we recommend using either of them.
Embed any trusted 3rd party widgets
If your company uses any 3rd party integrations (Hubspot, Wild Apricot, etc) you may find that you want to utilize one of their embed widgets on your page. Feel free to give it a try, but be sure that these widgets are from a trusted source. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to us!