Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing campaigns are one of the most valuable digital marketing tools available. Well done email campaigns allow you to build stronger relationships with loyal customers, promote new products or services, increase sales, and increase brand awareness.


What Is It, Exactly?

Connect & Promote

If you hear the words “email marketing” and think of junk mail in your spam folder, it’s because the companies behind those emails are targeting you incorrectly. A good email marketing campaign reaches the right people at the right time, bringing value and building connections.

Email marketing is simply a marketing channel that allows businesses to communicate with their customers via email. Promotional emails are the most widely known type of marketing email, but you can also use email to share interesting articles, helpful tips, educational information, or links to blog posts.


Getting Started

Plan & Strategize


Ongoing Management

Monitor & Adjust

We take care of everything. We use your logo, brand colors, and media assets to create a style that is synonymous with your brand. We’ll craft the copy to match the tone of your business. We’ll send the emails out and we’ll monitor their performance - how many emails were opened, and what happened after that? The wide range of available metrics allows us to see how your emails are being received and make adjustments accordingly.

Email Marketing By The Numbers

3.9 Billion

People Have An Email Account

And 72% of them check their email more than 6 times a day.


Of people say email is their preferred method of communication from a brand

And 21.33% is the average open rate of email newsletters


Of email users specifically check their inbox for promotional emails

And 83% spend more on brands who have sent them promotional emails

Ready To Start Your Own Campaign?

Get Started

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